Ta Da! Electronic Cigarettes! Available at your local Best Buy soon. No nicotine, no tar, only small danger of electrocution.
American Ingenuity.
The Upper Mississippi River Basin:Life, Worship, Sports, Transportation, Golf, Politics and other bizarre behaviors in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The Quincy area has a history of tolerance. We seem to suffer fools gladly.
Ta Da! Electronic Cigarettes! Available at your local Best Buy soon. No nicotine, no tar, only small danger of electrocution.
I have been in way too many funeral processions lately.
How come whenever someone wants to cover up their own night moves and pose as a crime victim, they always make the phony criminals black guys?
Not only the usual "Always talk as if you know your phone is tapped."
As I've said many times, I don't commit journalism here and I'm not a trained professional in that field.
Over the last several weeks, I have innocently used a term to describe members of the tea party movement. I have been advised that term has sexual practice overtones. It was never my intent to fire up some kind of double entendre.
I get a kick out of books that sell you the "secret" to strength, health, getting more business, shooting lower scores or scoring at the singles bar.
As nearly as I can determine, this is the first week of the new and improved design and content of Newsweek.
20 years ago, if somebody said they'd been "keyed," we wouldn't have had the vaguest idea what they were talking about. Today, we hear "keyed" we picture car key scraping clearcoated finish in the dark.
If you don't know what Wolfram Alpha is, use a search engine other than Google and you will quickly find out. If you don't want to do that, stop reading this thread now.
One of my grade school classmates went on to Michigan State University where he majored in something technical. I forget what. He was a perfect example of the "C's get degrees" school of thought. Upon graduation, he went to work selling work for an electrical contractor in Northern Illinois. Barely 22 years old, he was soon pulling down about 10k a month at a time when gas was about 30 cents a gallon. By the time he was 28 years old he BOUGHT THE COMPANY!
Some people are just part of our landscape. We don't think about doing without them, because they just ARE. John was that way. He was so solid and engaged that those blessed to be acquainted with him probably didn't consider his mortality.
Long ago and far away, I supplemented my modest, student income by caddying for professionals in urban calcutta events (which of course were against USGA rules) and what are now called mini-tours (then unorganized and often referred to as "consolation events").
Predictably, the bloom is off the "oppress me, I'm a tea-bagger" rose but there's plenty of other stuff going on.
Booze, Cigarettes, Chips, Fast Food--There's this knee-jerk reaction to put a special tax on all of them (on top of the special taxes already on them).
Try this little experiment--it'll cost you 44 cents. Address a letter to yourself in 62301 or 5 zip code, whichever is yours. Any time on any Sunday (other than three day weekends) drop it into any mailbox in Quincy. Almost every time you will get it Tuesday.
In 35 years of attending City Council meetings, I have never seen what I saw tonight. No, not tax protesters (Oh, excuse me, "Spending Protesters"), not peaceful demonstrators, not a Con Law Lecture from Professor Emeritus Hrudicka. Been all those places. Done That. Got the T shirt.
Ask anyone who has ever served in wartime. Feherety's biggest mistake was not invoking violence or being politically incorrect. It was assuming that there is one common view among soldiers or veterans. It has never been so. We may share a love of country and desire to keep one another alive but the wrongheaded notion there is one "military view" led to the unfortunate quote.
Here in the Basin, we have an abundance of really good skilled people in certain professions and trades. Just for an example, we have so many really good Physical Therapists you almost can't go wrong. That's why I've always thought attracting disabled Vets to QU would be a winner. The last two presidents haven't warmed up to that idea. Maybe I'll try it out on the new one.
There is a new trend going around in the letters-to-the-editor crowd and the in blogoshere.
of a nation quarantined!
1973, New York Mets: Willie Mays BA .211 HR 6 RBI 25
Prez Obama said yesterday he wants to close the overseas outsourcing jobs credit in the tax code.
I guess we're going to have to add to the cell phone warning on the City Council Agenda, something like: "Men, take your hats off--Didn't your mother teach you anything?"
I have always been more impressed by "Stickers" than by "Flippers"
First, it reminded me of the Gerald Ford Administration.
Interesting exercise in press relations by new Prez Bemis. Tell one news organ that you in fact made a deal with Bud Niekamp to make him VP if he would vote for you for Prez. No problem so far, perfectly appropriate. It's what legislative bodies do. It's really the way it should happen. Good on ya, mate!