Saturday, May 16, 2009


Long ago and far away, I supplemented my modest, student income by caddying for professionals in urban calcutta events (which of course were against USGA rules) and what are now called mini-tours (then unorganized and often referred to as "consolation events").

I knew Gene slightly from this slice of my life. There are some people whom you really can't believe are "that nice," but he was....funny, humble and nice.

What made it even more unbelievable was how gifted he was, Gene Borek had the best hand-eye coordination of any human being I ever saw. He was freaky-good without being conceited, an unheard of combination in tournament players of that day.

About 20 years ago I heard Gene became a millionaire. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


At 6:47 AM, August 04, 2011, Anonymous Steve Borek said...

Gene was my Uncle. It would be great to speak with you since you were an acquaintance.

Steve Borek


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