Friday, May 22, 2009


I get a kick out of books that sell you the "secret" to strength, health, getting more business, shooting lower scores or scoring at the singles bar.

First, there's the obvious: If you put it into a book, it's not a secret anymore.

Second, most of the people who sell secrets have few preexisting credentials that they are good at something (or that they're gonna tell you the real secret).

If you're buying the "secret" to something, keep your eye on the real secret: You're getting hosed.

Have a nice weekend: be careful on Amazon or at the book store.


At 6:34 AM, May 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the secret to investing wisely books...if I had the secret to investing I would not waste time writing books- I would practice that secret from a private island in the caribbean

At 7:44 AM, May 22, 2009, Blogger TOOKIE said...

I never buy those , I really want the Rahm book when it ever it written . Here is a guy who understands the fight .

Napoleon had his Wellington

At 8:41 AM, May 22, 2009, Blogger UMRBlog said...


In General, I agree with you. There is one guy who doesn't claim to have a secret but has a whole lot of math as a GUIDE to investing. I mean a whole lot of math. Maybe it's just because numbers are finite and it gives me comfort but I find it somewhat useful.

OTOH, I think it was O.W. Holmes who said "Most of what passes for learning is merely rearranging our biases."


At 12:56 PM, May 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well there is a difference between Ben Graham's tomes on investing or the guy who developed MPT and a talking head for sure. Thing is most of the books you would see for sale at Barnes and Noble are the latter


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