Monday, December 08, 2008


Wow! What a ride for this decent and talented man. Tell the truth to Congress, Lose your job, have the thing play out just the way you said it would, get a cabinet level appointment, and inherit a job that cannot be successfully accomplished because the weenie congress, both parties, talk about how swell veterans and are and how much we're gonna help them....then don't fund crap for them.

Two Secretaries ago, we had a guy (A Repub, by the way) who honestly cared to serve veterans and really, really tried but, because of the funding, his well-intentioned efforts really just caused class warfare among Veterans' groups and vintages.

Eric Shinseki is an American patriot in the best sense of that word. He deserves to be recognized for his bravery and clarity but being appointed to head the department that may be the blackest hole in the U.S. Gov't may not be the greatest reward a grateful country could have bestowed upon him.

Mr. Secretary, congratulations......but you're screwed again.


At 2:32 PM, December 08, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You forgot to add that Bush couldn't pronounce Shinseki's name either.

At 3:11 PM, December 08, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

He couldn't pronounce "nuclear" either but that didn't stop him from wanting to invade Iran over it.

Now he can practice saying "Shinseki-Nuclear" five times fast.



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