Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Y'all know I don't like to cut and paste but you gotta read this.

Don't think I completely buy it but I have said several times that a skyrocket that goes up fast usually disintegrates just as quickly.

OTOH, if this guy keeps the predicting the same thing over and over, eventually he's gonna get one wrong.




At 7:50 AM, May 10, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Look Rodsky,

We've had this conversation before. Tookie is gonna come by and and "passa" your "como" and activate your "criar". Tookie is my anti-spam pit bull.


At 5:20 PM, May 10, 2007, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The article you sited was had good points. There is a difference with Obama from the others that the article mentioned. Obama can raise some serious dough. Bill Bradley and others were excellent candidates. I think I voted for Bradley. But the front runners tie up the donors. The local Parties need the donors so the foot soldiers get the vote out for the front runner. In the end the front runner wins once the states with strong party membership are counted. I have more to add on this subject but the game is starting soon.

At 5:51 PM, May 11, 2007, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Now to continue with my lecture...
The saying goes "all politics is local." How true that is. Yet so few candidates incorporate this sound wisdom into their campaigns. The way to incorporate this is not with a stopover at the local airport for a 12 second snippet on the evening news. It is by finding out who the real power brokers in each county or region are. These are the ones that have the foot soldiers to do the grass roots work. Sometimes it's county party chairman. Sometimes it's an elected official. Whoever actually can direct the forces. Your next step is not going to them to ask for help. It is going to them and OFFERING HELP! A nice donation to the local party, or promise of appearing at local fundraisers will go a long way.
Three separate candidates, or their "people" I have met with, I have suggested a plan based on this. I told the three of them "one candidate, the other two's people" that if they put five grand in the local Party's account and let local people that knew how to communicate, and what is important to our neighbors, they would have a real chance to win in this region. None of them did. It makesme wonder, if they never really gave a damn about what we have to say, why they wasted their time and that of several busy peoples, coming here. While they may know what is happening in Chicago, they sure have no clue what is happening around here. The best thing the Democratic Party has going for it in this State is the State Republican Party.


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