Wednesday, May 02, 2007


It used to be that this was just a Southern Thang but it's completely infected the midwest and contaminated people yellow, white, black and brown. It's gotta stop!

People find themselves no longer able to pronounce the letters "ee". A radio ad for a "Dr. Wheeler" pronounces it "Willer". A golf pro in another town was suggesting the use of "Still" shaft in a certain golf club, then added that it was "steel" a good option. WTH?

If you mean "wheel", say "wheel!" If you mean "will" say "will!" If you mean "steel" say "steel" and if you mean "Still," say "Still".

Oh and just to take me near a coronary, I heard someone refer to the lunch break as "Milltime."

We're either getting stupider or deafer, maybe both.


At 5:41 AM, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could be worse and we could have started speaking in a Welsh of Scottish accent !

That is true lack of communication a Welshman explaining something to a Scott !

So once again it can always be worse !

At 6:11 AM, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bigger pet peeve to me is the constant use by people (including my boss who should know better) in this region of the country of the phrase, "I seen." You hear this in TV interviews, in group conversation, everywhere. What is wrong with these people?

At 9:52 AM, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the use of "probly", or worse, "prolly" for probably?

At 12:15 PM, May 03, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Good Point. That one always starts out as a conscious choice and ends up a bad habit.


At 1:32 PM, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is a local TV station at which the reporters are instructed to pronounce the word "rural" as "rule". Those are different words.

At 3:29 PM, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He left her go to the store. Argh!

At 7:53 AM, May 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm always accusing my wife of saying "supposably" for supposedly. She swears she doesn't say that -- suggesting that yes it is possible for the listener to prolly be at fault.

At 9:36 AM, May 04, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Not if you're listening in the "Steel" of the night.


At 10:16 AM, May 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do a lot of people say imput for input?

At 8:04 PM, May 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or "culbert" for culvert and Matt Schuckman called it a "cubby" of quail in one of his outdoor articles in the Whig a year ago. It's covey, not "cubby"!

At 7:49 PM, May 05, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...


That has to be an editing error. Matt is one of the more literate and grammar-tight folks in the Basin.


At 9:41 AM, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Missouri nuance...

Narth = north

Farty = forty

Fark = fork

Marning = morning

Fahr = fire



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