Thursday, April 26, 2007


NFL Draft is this weekend. It is immensely popular. Even non-draftniks follow the first couple of rounds. It is interesting. Still, it almost raises the issue whether man has a dark side that responds to the ownership of human beings. Is this just a polite, well-funded way to feel the same things the slave traders felt?

It's all good fun......isn't it?



At 6:12 AM, April 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Draft sleeper: Ken Darby 3rd to 4th round and he will be the next Mark Anderson .

At 6:25 AM, April 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course not. The slave traders in our history made huge profits off the human beings they owned, their slaves were even more valuable and profitable if they were robust and physically strong.
NFL hopefuls in our modern era can profit off their own genetic dominance, collecting millions on a short NFL career and live a life of luxury. Their talent will benefit them greatly, yes it benefits the owners too but when players get filthy rich playing a game they love, that's not a bad life for an American. black or white.
The United States is a far better home for Black Americans and slave descendants than West Africa would be today. The slaves that built this nation endured horrifying atrocities and deserve reparations we can never repay, but All Americans today now benefit from their sacrifice.
Ask any NFL player if they would rather have a "common man's job" than play football, and I doubt they will turn it down just because their owner profits off of them.

At 9:20 AM, April 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Multi million dollar bench warmers the same as slaves? I don't know, seems a bit of a stretch.


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