The Upper Mississippi River Basin:Life, Worship, Sports, Transportation, Golf, Politics and other bizarre behaviors in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The Quincy area has a history of tolerance. We seem to suffer fools gladly.
Made the terrible mistake of reading my local newspaper while drinking iced tea. Spewed when I read a quote from the local Tea Party spokesman saying it would support a candidate from either party who could
Nothing says "do away with the DH" like a claim for Manny from an AL team after the entire NL has passed.
Whether discussing foreign affairs or domestic policy the discourse on the status of the Presidency is essentially the same every where. On the one hand, it's "Bush was an idiot. He deviated our resources, diluted our freedoms and caused us to be viewed as a hostile by most of the world. His was a terrible Presidency." On the other hand "Obama's a terrible president. He tries to do too many things at once. He turns economic functions over to the Government. He decides important things too slowly. He is not attuned to the deficit and people around the world don't respect us because we're too weak."
Seriously, can imagine anyone discussing Nolan Ryan's 'BABIP"?