Sunday, August 02, 2009


As I have written before we have really, really good physical therapists here. It's almost like you can't go wrong. There are that many great ones. (Which reminds me, that is one of the reasons QU should reach out to disabled vets to attend there, especially now with the enhancement of the formerly stingy GI Bill.)

We have an abundance (per capita) of especially good, honest, empathetic and well-stocked Golf Stores and Pro Shops. To be sure, there are special strengths of each but, if you like golf and you want good gear and apparel at a reasonable price with candid sales approaches, River City is the place for you to shop!

Another place where you can't go wrong is Detail Shops. Whichever one you go to of the three major places, you will be satisfied. And the price will be about one third of what you pay in a major city. (BTW, I happen to think once a year detailing is, like, basic maintenance. Don't wait till you're gonna sell your car. Oh, and hold the "cash for clunkers" jokes.)

Finally, there is the service you never want to use, Outstanding Funeral Homes. We have no factories, chains or other strange arrangements (not that they are always bad). Yeah, the death industry is kind of adhesive but here, anywhere, it is as honest as it can be. Wherever you take your loved one, you are likely to be well treated.

These are just a few who come to mind. Add yours. Hold the consumer complaints for another time.


At 12:58 PM, August 02, 2009, Anonymous QC Examiner said...

Quincy Illinois: Therapists! Golf! Clean Cars! Death!

What's not to like?

At 1:12 PM, August 02, 2009, Blogger UMRBlog said...

PHYSICAL therapists. Let's not go all overbroad on me now.

I suppose I could have put neonatal and catfish in and then we'd have the whole "Circle of Life" covered.


At 4:24 PM, August 02, 2009, Anonymous QC Examiner said...

Quincy, Illinois: Physical Therapists! Golf! Clean Cars! Death! Birth! Catfish!

What's not to like?

Happy now? :-D


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