Sunday, May 04, 2008


A "Tell" in poker is a trait or mannerism that tells you whether a person is strong or bluffing (or sometimes just not confident). It was impossible to develop a "tell" for Senator Obama until just this most recent few weeks because he was never asked any difficult or uncomfortable questions.

So now, having retired to my small town home, put away my guns, interrupted my Old Testament Study and medicated for my fear and disdain for people different from me, I took some time out and watched the good Senator talk. He has a big, fat poker "tell".

Whenever he says "Look!" or "Well, Look!" everything that comes after is going to be dissembling, evasive, overgeneral, inaccurate or otherwise non-responsive to the pending question. If you don't work for CNN, or any outlet of NBC, you're probably fair-minded enough to try it. You'll soon see "Well, Look!" really means "No way I'm answering this puppy honestly!"


At 7:39 PM, May 04, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My favorite is when one of them says, "The fact of the matter is....."

And, you better start being nice to Barack if you want Hillary to be his Vice President.

At 8:42 PM, May 04, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

I'm always nice to Barack. As you know, I like him. He's good company. Only trouble is, he's always nagging me for a hookup with Tookie. I guess it'd be all right if they don't go bowling.


At 1:55 PM, May 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umr, you have identified the traits of a politician. Nothing new there. I can’t believe with your experience you haven’t run across that before.

At 2:25 PM, May 05, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Bushie Tail,

The topic was not whether all pols semble, it was the "tells".

McCain spreads his arms and arches his back. Nixon put his chin down. Missouri's own Blunt Instrument tips his shoulders, dead tell.



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