Thursday, May 01, 2008


In here, when I say "MSM" I mean anything that is principally delivered by opening a physical object, such as a mag or a newspaper, turning a dial or punching a button. When I say "MSM" it is content-neutral. Rush uses MSM to differentiate on content. I am merely talking about delivery systems. Under Basin usage rules, MSM includes Rush and it includes Air America.

When I say "blogosphere" I mean to include the independent blogs, not the captives of either MSM outlets or those of the emerging JimBob (see below)

OK, now here is the obverse quandry. The new alternative news source has a dorky name. It's not gonna work out at all, at least in here. It has dawned on me it should be named after its Father Figure Editor-in-Chief. Henceforth, our new paperless entery into the news market shall be "The JimBob" Better be buyin' the domain, boys. It's gonna catch on. Think about it. 150 years from now, six editors from now, when it is the world's news source on people's wrist transmitters, nobody will remember "something-something dot org." for God's sake! Think "Poor Richard's Almanac" people. This is a shot at immortality. The JimBob lives!


At 1:18 PM, May 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with your definition of MSM---to me anything beyond the traditional press is alternative media, which would include both blogs and Rush Limbaugh.

But I don't really want to debate the meaning of MSM, because I want to comment about the difference between QC and Quincy media.

In the QCs, the Democrats have such a death grip on politics that almost every QC blogger is anonymous for fear of retribution. This applies to the local ILQC press which is extremely reluctant to say mean things about the ruling class of Democrats.

From what I can discern, most of the Quincy political bloggers know each other---in some cases from elementary school, but I would not know my fellow QC bloggers if they attempted to stab me in the neck---which some would.

I don't think we will ever have an alternative press like the new Quincy internet news site because everyone is so afraid of the Democrat powers-that-be.

So don't be kvetching about the little stuff---you could be in The People's Republic of Rock Island County, where all dissent is suppressed.

Revel in democracy---don't sweat the small stuff!

At 2:19 PM, May 01, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have no idea what your SPEAK was about. But I want to say that i once again share your disdain for the former DNC Chair, appointed By President Clinton, who just defected to Obama. As an Obama supporter who learned a few things about loyalty and honor from good folks like you, I'd like to ask you if Hillary will take him back. I don't want him.

At 5:42 PM, May 01, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


First, I appreciate your visit.

Second, I understand your broader definition of MSM as the more common one. That is why I took pains to explain how will use it only in the four corners of this little blog.

Third, I suspect a news organ like the JimBob would sprout in a very small metro like ours or a very large one. You may be right about a one party metro being hazardous to the health of contrary expression. There was a time when I thought the internet would combat that but I am far less hopeful today.

Finally, there is something to what you say about he regard in which we hold one another. It often acts as a firewall against excesses in a medium that seems to practically require excesses.


At 5:46 PM, May 01, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


He's on the Holiday card list--Right after Bill Richardson.

You would enjoy Carville's book "Stickin: The case for Loyalty". I'll dig it up and loan it to you. The reason you would enjoy it is because you were brought up right in politics. You had Godfathers like Jack Madden and Don Duesterhaus--Last Dog Dyin' kind a guys.

On the post, Tookie will explain it to you, after he gets done with the mold abatement program in the hood.


At 7:12 PM, May 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of the Begala/Carville collaboration books.

I would like to have a point-counter point blog on the site with a couple of well-known participants from each side of the aisle. Sort of like Oracle vs. Senor BA, but keeping it clean and the players won't use their superhero names.

The Old Sport will also be multiple people contributing. Sort of like the multiple Tookies. I guess I should change the name to Old Sports.

Thanks for the hits from the QC. The Isle of Capri used to be the closest boat where you can play double-deck blackjack. Fewer decks, better odds of winning.

Haven't played much blackjack lately. Been a tad busy.



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