Thursday, May 17, 2007


Look, I can't come near explaining this. Just pull up the Journal-Star any day and read about the jolly courthouse relations in Galesburg. I really don't know who did what to who but I recall Abe Lincoln saying if you want to take the true measure of a man, don't give him adversity. Give him power. The hardest thing for good police or prosecutors to do is to handle power gracefully. This elected prosecutor would have to get a lot more graceful just to climb up to clumsy.

It is some saga!



At 6:50 AM, May 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll check it out , will be up there Tuesday on Cherry St., thanks, like to know what I'm walking in to.

At 7:11 AM, May 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did some checking on the Galeburg R-M. I won't whistle at any chicks and I'll try not to be hostile. Humm, hostile WE, seems like we here that a lot from govt workplaces where politics are involved. What are the teams up there, is "pepe" a D or an R? What about his predecessor,or the judge & sheriff? My guess: pepe an R, judge, sherrif & predecessor D's?

Or better yet, why did Paris get her time halfed for "good behavior" after showing up 10 min late for court, and why does she get to go to club county? This is important! LOL

At 9:26 AM, May 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Nifong could get him a job up there LOL.

At 6:23 PM, May 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am stunned. Keep us posted on this one.

You can't make this crap up.

At 5:20 AM, May 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious as to your thoughts on the ATM case, the whole e-bay business at work and the federal inmate thing.

At 10:53 AM, May 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this guy was appointed when the former State's Attorney went on the bench, and not elected? I could be wrong, but, wasn't the vote on the County Board sort of close that brought Pepmeyer into office? I have been following this for awhile now.

And what is it with secretaries who can't type? And all these cases just dismissed under the previous guy? And all of those ATM burglaries that the Statute of Limitations ran out on because the former State's Attorney never did anything with those cases?

From what I read this new guy has told the press that he discovered one of the Assistants was running an EBAY business from her work computer. Now, that's convenient if that allegation is true.

From what I read in the Register, she was one of the Assistants who was fired. The press reported that several of the assistants were fired by Pepmeyer when they didn't show up to work.

This will be interesting to watch this play out in the press. Who knows what to believe? The women who have accused him of sexual harrassment, or the guy who contends that he inherited a big mess in this office.

Maybe the audit of the office and the Sheriff's department will shed some much needed light on what has gone on here.

I agree with the other poster, this sounds like a political battle. And, the taxpayers of that county sure deserve better.


At 10:59 AM, May 20, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Yes and yes. He was appointed. My point was that it's still an elective office and the people will get a chance to speak in 08 about whether they are pleased with all this squealling and fingerpointing.

Yes, it was 8-7.


More Later.

At 2:06 PM, May 20, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...

If you have an employee misbehaving, you deal with the employee. You don't describe the misbehavior in the press.

And, no, the "audits" will just be somebody else's opinion and just add to the cluster. Assuming the dissident former employees just keep screwing around with the SH as a union matter and don't bring proper EEOC and subsequent court proceedings, the only place this will get adjusted is at the ballot box in '08.

I haves seen some weird things at a change of prosecutors, but this is the absolute strangest. I'm following it and I have no stake in the outcome.



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