Thursday, September 14, 2006


Don't recall seeing anything quite like the "Big Box" ordinance and veto in Chicago. Defined a category of store and then told them what to pay their employees. Seemed to me to be guaranteed to prevent BB's from locating in Chicago. Mayor Daley vetoed it and it was barely sustained.

The idea that it was a City's job to tell a private retailer how much to pay employees seemed to me to totally misapprehend the role of Gov't. I understand Statewide and Nationwide Minimum wage standards but this was a lead pipe cinch to retard commerce in our State's Largest City.

It might eventually pass, after some WalMarts are already there.

Strange dance.


At 5:03 PM, September 14, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Alternate History was one of the most brilliant column concepts I've ever read. Not saying it held W. up to a fair standard, but it was fascinating and extremely well crafted.


At 8:39 AM, September 15, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

I've been familiar with Webb for sometime. Generally don't admire flippers but I do respect his opinion on post-Vietnam protesting veterans. It's well thought out and not just some gut thing. He was man enough to take on John Kerry and the Swifties at the same time.

I guess I'd vote for him if I were a Virginian just because his opponent fell pretty far from the family tree.



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