Saturday, August 08, 2009


There is no listing for "Cyril Baptiste" in Wikipedia. Cyril Baptiste was Len Bias, only he survived longer. Every young athlete should know about Cyril Baptiste.



At 6:56 PM, August 08, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While walking into work in Iowa a while back I heard a group of guys talking about this kid who had played for the Hawkeyes for a year. Greatest talent they'd seen on the team since the Lute Olson days. Then just kind of fell off the face the earth, dropped out of school, wound up in the courts. They were trying to remember his name- turned out to be Joey Range of Galesburg fame.

At 10:32 AM, August 09, 2009, Blogger UMRBlog said...

A clue would have been the pleaded down Aggravated Batter at the age of 16 IN A MOTEL.

LeBron had body guards since 7th grade. Joey could have used an ankle bracelet.



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