Friday, June 05, 2009


If we can be done blaming bill Clinton for the NoKo nuclear problem, maybe we can finally do something about it.

Everytime they launch for test, they have to lose something. It doesn't have to be trade. It could be a niece or a nephew, a pet, a car but it must happen EVERY TIME.

No free Lunches. This bleeds into Siberia, Japan and China. We have to stand tall.


At 12:24 PM, June 05, 2009, Anonymous QC Examiner said...

I think you're barking up the wrong tree here UMR.

If you were looking for an "eye for an eye" policy toward the NorKs, GWB would be your man. In fact I'm disappointed that he didn't do more of this radical stuff during the last days of his presidency. After all, his approval rating was in the toilet anyway, so why didn't he do some of the hard stuff to clear the deck for Obama?

But expecting Obama's foreign policy to be tough is just not realistic---he is the anti-Bush who only believes in soft power and diplomacy to solve all our foreign policy problems.

And good luck with that!

But still, I give Obama credit for not going down the "what I inherited" trope---if he was intellectually honest (which I don't think he is) he would have to concede that Bush "inherited" the NorK problem from Clinton.

At 12:34 PM, June 05, 2009, Blogger UMRBlog said...

It's funny because the failure here is really one of intelligence.

WJC schmoozed the NoKo's into a deal, which they breached. GWB "2 x Stick, plus 1 x carrotted" them into a deal, which they breached.

The commonality is that they are completely lying disreputable Whack Job Pukes. Mr. OBama would do well to keep that in mind.

We have about 15 treaties that require us to protect Japan and even on with Sibera, for God's Sake. Having these barbarians armed and dangerous ultimately has a very bad end game and that's before you throw in about 450,000 well-trained, well-armed chinese guys in knockoff Chuck Taylors.

Eisenhower said something about wars on the Asian Land Mass. Generally speaking, he was speaking as a General. There has to be pain every time they do one of these big naughties. Whether that's bomber pain, sniper pain or economic pain is for somebody else to pay. The two best communication princples are primacy and frequency. Hit 'em first with some bad thing. Anything from poisoning the old whack's puppy to jamming television signals. The first responses don't have to make craters.

Let's break some bad habits.

TYFCB. Thoughtful comments.

At 5:47 PM, June 05, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poison a puppy??? That's just wrong...
Just send in some ninja's to take Dear Leader's porn stash and hold it ransom.

At 10:43 AM, June 06, 2009, Blogger Rocky Cola said...

Back Blogging for now.

At 2:29 PM, June 06, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking defense spending will be cut in half again. Obama will slowly learn he can't win the world the same way he won the campaign.

He doesn't seem the least bit interested in confrontation with our enemies ... only our allies. Look for at least a couple years of backtracking and surrendering ground on every line we had drawn in the sand.

I appreciate a Democrat believing we need a tougher stance, but Obama is busy apologizing for America, and handing out carrots.


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