I just can't let this week of the Prez' Africa visit go by without saying that I'm very proud of the way he has represented our country there and the attention he's paid to Africa generally as a trading partner and as a place that needs the help of our more advanced medical technology. This is how a nation builds good will.
A shame the same good will building hasn't been a priority for some of our other world neighbors.
Still, this post is not to pick nit. It's to say "Well Done, Mr. President!"
And in this morning's Trib there is a picture of our dear president with his arm around a United Methodist Woman President of Liberia. Maybe he will give Hillary a hug when he gets back and help her win in Tx.
Nice back handed compliment. Very adult of you. Just can't help yourself, can you?
The compliment is heartfelt. The wonderment that the same charm and generosity can't be extended to, say, Brazil and Cambodia is genuine but it was a side trip.
I really wasn't relitigating the Middle East or even France. A trip like this is worth a thousand Condi visits ordering people around and implicitly calling their right to sovereignty into question. This was great stuff. I just wish he'd have spread it around.
Hey now, there's nothing wrong with the president doing nice things while he's well on his way out the door.
(golf clap)
Your girl sounded like she was giving a concession speech last night. Are you conceding yet?
Here's what happened. David Gergen managed to prounounce "Valedictory." Because he's the ultimate insider (Emptied ash trays for Ronald Reagan and worked for about twenty seconds in the Clinton White House doing......, well never mind.), the political press immediately peed down its collective leg and said. "Hey, It was a dictionary!"
Nobody knew what any of that meant so, Chris Wallace (probably activating his sell-out bonus clause)said, I know know what those "dictories" are, that means she's down the road."
The pack mentality never ceases to amaze me. See my comment about polling about a month ago. Daisy Chain.
As in other races since Super Tuesday, once a state or states emerge as the primary focus of the race and Obama begins to concentrate his efforts, Hillary Clinton's numbers drop and Obama's soar. There's nothing she has been able to do so far to stop it. She just hasn't been able to kill Obama's momentum.
The bad news for Clinton is that there are still 11 days until the primaries in Texas and Ohio - plenty of time for Obama to work his magic and cast his spell over those voters. He has the money, the momentum, and the message Democrats want to hear.
If Obama had been the one to lose the last ten primaries, the Clintons would be forcing him to answer tough questions about why he was continuing his hopeless struggle, but no one is asking Hillary these tough questions
0744 & 0751,
I don't know if you're the same person but you're saying subsets of the same thing.
If you believe there are no more twists or turns to happen in this elections cycle, you'd be correct. For my part, I'm fairly sure there is going to be some kind of strange development that will move the needle on way or the other. It could be something which works out to be an Obama kill shot. It could be a reversal. I have no idea what it is but it would be a big surprise to me if there is no big surprise.
Superdelegates are jumping from the windows on the flaming Clintonberg into the arms of the Obamatrons below. Oh, the shrew's mad at thee
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