Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Downtime, under the right circumstances, can be therapeutic. Add some sunshine, excellent coffee and privacy and life can be good, even when politics isn't. This morning is a lot better than last night.

It is my conclusion that Hillary Clinton would be the best president of those currently available to serve. The chances of that happening took a hit last night. Worse, Hillary has not changed. When what you're doing is not working, you must change it.

What the public has never seen in Hillary is her humble nature. Her style is to bring ideas out of others and to enable those with good ideas. Her management style is not "I/Me". She needs to let the Texas and Ohio public see that. She needs to tell them that they are her last chance. She needs to beg for that chance and to tell them what she'll do if they give her that chance. Crap like "get real" or "Solutions, not speeches". They are no real change from her "Day One" message.

The time has come (is past) for Hillary to let the public see her natural humility. Maybe it's not too late for her to show that she's the kind of player who makes the others around her better.

It will be interesting.


At 8:29 AM, February 20, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While seeing Hillary, the candidate of inevitability get beat is fun, it probably is not good for the GOP. Despite...or in spite of the Conservative base's feelings on McCain, Hillary in the general will give us all something to rally against. I personally think her new stand on Michigan and Florida is unfair to Obama, but I hope she keeps on keeping on. Watching her lose has been fun, but now it's time to get to business. Business being, getting a candidate that can be beat, post cheating, stealing and chaos. Beating Obama will be tough and we would end up with a man in office that we don't know...and probably don't want to know.

At 10:49 AM, February 20, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

While I reluctantly agree that Hillary would probably be the "best" president of the three, I can't help but believe she has herself to blame for her loss. Provided she does eventually lose. Case in point: her campaign sent loads of emails to the press and whoever else is on the mailing list about Obama being a "plagiarist." Her last speech she lifted a line right from Howard Dean's playbook. "Let's take our Country back." She, and Obama, have lifted phrases from Edwards time and again. I'm just tired of her bullsh^t. She was the first one to accuse others of slinging mud. The funny thing was none of them had slung any mud at her yet. Now that's all she has left is to sling "mud." She can claim to be the one who can stand up to Republican mudslinging. But Obama has done a damn good job standing up to the Clinton campaign's mudslinging.

At 11:54 AM, February 20, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

UMR somewhere I read that you know the Clintons personally (I think it was at TID); if so, that would give you added insight into Hillary's character.

But I gotta say that most of us do NOT see her as humble and that certainly is not the image she and her husband have projected during the 16+ years they have been in the national spotlight.

So I think it would be extremely unlikely that the public would be swayed by Hillary's sudden 180 claim that she is "humble".

Further, her advisors aren't doing the "humble" thing either. The most recent information is that the Clintons have set up a website in order to promote changing the rules mid-stream to allow delegates from FL and MI to be seated at the convention.

Also, Penn announced her new thrust would be Hillary as Commander-in-Chief.

Hillary the Decider? Hillary the Rule Changer?

I don't think "humble" will be anyone's first thought about Hillary----or second thought, either.

At 12:38 PM, February 20, 2008, Blogger Dick Tuck said...


What is your opinion of the former president's role in his wife's campaign?

He should have been a huge asset. I'm not sure he has been.

At 12:46 PM, February 20, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never fear, they are filling up the can:

At 4:10 PM, February 20, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, it's getting tough to know who to vote for. After all, Bill was the best Republican president the country's ever had and there's little reason to think Hill would be much different. Obama's nice because it's nice to have someone speak real English without grating on the ear. But, true, both he and Hill have spouses who don't say things quite right. John McCain, bless him, doesn't seem to quite know who he is anymore. Ron Paul and the Huck are flakes. Considering the anniversary year that 2008 is, maybe I'll just write in: A. Lincoln

At 4:43 PM, February 20, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


I thought everything he did and said was fine except the Jesse comparison.

I just can't blame him for not getting the memo the it was unamerican to point out any of The Prince's shortcomings.

The "Fairy Tale" response (to a planted question by the Obama peeps) was absolutely factual and limited to one issue. He never said the Obama campaign was a "fairy tale".

He is currently the only one with the stones to turn to the People of Ohio and say "We need you" and "it's on you." I wish he could get his hands in the reverse overlap grip around Mark Penn's windpipe.

I've written quite about this earlier so I won't belabor the point.


At 7:46 PM, February 20, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


I know WJC a good bit better than HRC but we all shared a time in our young lives and have stayed in touch.

She, indeed, has a good deal of confidence and has a temper. She is mostly serious, which makes her occasional effective humor that much funnier. But her "humility" has to do with her place in the world--she sees herself as one to whom much has been given and from whom much is expected. The thing about that which truly doesn't shine through is that she does not need to be the star, as long as stuff gets done.

One can go through an entire meeting with HRC and not hear her voice do anything but identify speakers as the meeting goes through the agenda. She did some remarkable things at the Rose Firm and stayed under the radar.

The secrecy of the health care committee in '93/94 was not her idea and it unfortunately created an aura of arrogance. It was an unfortunate tag put on a then-novice in Washington.

By conveying her humility now, I mean telling the voters she needs them.. even a little begging...I need your a valid formulation. After all, what more can she really tell folks about her plans or her qualifications?

I'm going to leave brother Penn off to one side for now. Even Shrum at least gets to the finals.


At 5:42 PM, February 21, 2008, Blogger Dick Tuck said...

Ubermensch said: "The thing about that which truly doesn't shine through is that she does not need to be the star, as long as stuff gets done."

C'mon man. You can't really look in the mirror and say that with a straight face, can you? Doesn't it take a pretty massive helping of ego to run for the leader of the free world? Doesn't that necessitate a "need to be the star"?


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