Thursday, February 14, 2008


Name one legitimate legislative purpose served by yesterday's dog and pony show.

Bonus Points: What legal authority grants to Congress the power to determine credibility of witnesses in a private dispute?


At 8:32 AM, February 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think People who pay for baseball's product need to know why Bond's, Clemens, and McGwire, etc will never go into the hall. Basically they(consumers) have been ripped off. Keep in mind this is just a random sampling of two or three trainers, what would the others say? I agree it was a hand-job, but it will serve to put MLB on notice even more.

PS Pray for an Indy Car - Champ Car merger!

At 8:43 AM, February 14, 2008, Blogger Dick Tuck said...

It's about the kids.

Did all the R's seem to support Clemens and the D's all support MacNamee, or was that just me?

At 8:45 AM, February 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should not be the business of Congress to deal with the matter, but even if it were, the question of whether a given player used steroids would be irrelevant to that business. But I suppose that if Arlen Specter can concern himself with matters relating to the New England Patriots spying on the New York Jets, then anything having to do with sports is fair game.

Two powerful human tendencies drive this sort of inquiry -- the desire to grandstand and the compulsion to extend power and jurisdiction. Since politicians suffer inordinately from these defects, we can hardly be surprised by spectacles like the one yesterday. But lack of self-restraint is the underlying reason why Congress is so unpopular. If anything, this latest manifestation (though far from the worst) will exacerbate the problem.

At 4:38 AM, February 15, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Here's a check, keep me in mind."

What the hell is wrong with your party?

At 5:30 AM, February 16, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's as if congress has nothing else to do.


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