"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country"
------Michelle Robinson Obama, Today, Madison, Wisconsin
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Michelle Obama was born January 17, 1964. By my count, that makes her adult lifetime twenty-six years and about a month.
For a quarter century and more, she has never been REALLY PROUD of her country? She was born in one of the great cities of the World and in a country that enabled her to make the most of her considerable abilities. She was born in the country that literally saved the world. She was born in a country who sends peacekeepers to the Balkans to prevent ethnic cleansing. She was born in a country that refined rocketry and spacecraft, then shared its knowledge with the rest of the world.
Has she never been to the Lincoln Memorial, or even the Lincoln Museum? Perhaps to a veterans' home, just to hear the stories and say goodbye to the greatest generation. Did she miss when the whole country marshalled resources to try to rescue trapped coal miners or Baby Jessica? Did she not hear that when The Basin was simultaneously under water and on fire that people came from Ohio and Mass. and Fla. and even from Maine to help? Hasn't she heard that Bill Gates, having obtained unspeakable wealth within our free enterprise system by harnessing microchips to ordinary human use, is now doing his best to equalize access to the same chips for underprivileged children by giving away vast amounts of that wealth?
Has she ever reflected on how this is a country where her father didn't have to be born into power? No, he became a precinct captain through hard work, guile and probably a lot of toughness. That wouldn't have been true in India, England, Germany or, frankly, most places.
The FIRST TIME........ever? Man, that's a hard position.
Nothing against Austria or Rwanda or South Africa or Brazil, but I get up every day thanking God that I had the simple good fortune to be born in the Greatest Country in the history of man. Even when the wrong guys are choosing to fight the wrong war for the wrong reasons, I will never stop being REALLY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.
Apparently, Mrs. Obama is only REALLY PROUD of her country when it pleases her. That's a pity, especially for someone who has been as richly blessed by it as she.
What a stunning and disappointing admission.
BTW, I still think her husband would make a fine President and I would be honored to have my son or grandson play basketball for her brother.
UPDATE: By the time I type this, it will be obsolete. At first I was the only one blogging about it. Now there are about 20 active. I don't know why but Drudge took it down. I'm guessing by the time I'm done typing this there will be 50 active blogs. We all want to know the same thing "For 26 years, did the USA do nothing that made Michelle Obama proud?"
This is not going to go away.
What an amzingly foolish comment. I agree with you, I am not proud of some things that this Country has done and I do not agree with everything this Country does or allows - but I thank God every day for this wonderful Country.
And I am proud of this Country.
The arrogance, ingratitude, and knee-jerk anti-Americanism of that remark are self-evident. It's comforting to know that America can vindicate itself in Ms. Obama's eyes by electing Barack president. But it's unlikely that even her new-found pride in America, and whatever pride her husband might muster, would be sufficient to cause Mr. Obama seriously to defend its sovereignty.
As soon as we displease her, she'll place the country on double secret probation, like in aninmal house.
Geesh. You are spelling like Tookie now. "Aninmal?"
Sorry, ABC ... couldn't resist.
By the way, since I'm offically neither, I always like it when Dems go after Dems and Rs do the same thing ... go after The Rock Star!
Give me a choice between McCain and the overblown Mrs. Obama's husband and I'll take Mr. Obama.
Rookies get full of themselves and make mistakes. This was a big one.
Sorry about the spelling. Half of one of my favorite movies. I've always contended that, if you string the first half of animal house and the first half of Mash, you'd have one great movie.
What policy positions of Obama's do you find more to your liking than McCain's?
Why would you be upset with Mrs. Obama comments? We've been hearing similar comments from Democrat Hollywood types and even the current Speaker of the House for years. According to them this country is the most evil country in the world. You take Mrs. Obama to task and then turn right around endorse her do nothing husband for president over a man who has given more to this country than the Obama’s could ever conceive. A man who was tortured for failing to renounce his country. A man who put his life on the line for this country. I see nothing in Mr. Obama’s background that even comes close to deserving of the highest office in the land.
While I do not agree with all of Mr. McCain’s views I find him much more qualified to lead this country in a time of war than those who suffer the French “cut & run” disease.
What short memories people like you have? Fluff or substance! The possibility of a maybe over a known track record. The contrast between candidates could not be more black and white, no pun intended.
Just for clarity, I haven't endorsed her husband. I support another candidate.
Hollywood has nothing to do with this. This is Princeton/Harvard Educated woman of great strength and sophistication, enjoying great blessings. Never having been "Really Proud" of her country for 26 years says something really negative about where she stands in her own hierarchy of importance.
We can litigate the General Election when we know who's in it. Do try to pay attention though.
By the way, "people like...(me)" Do you mean Veterans? Christians? Prosecutors? Fathers? Husbands? Ya gotta watch that categorization of folks. I hit a lot of categories.
What part of this thread invited a policy discussion about BObama?
I support another candidate. Let's see who's in the general first, OK?
To paraphrase your candidate's spin when her spouse steps into his hip-deep "the spouse isn't running."
Certainly go after the guy's lack of credentials, go after the lack of details for his grand plans and go after his flip-flop on taking public money.
But these attacks on cribbing speeches and his wife's lack of speaking polish do nothing to raise the level of debate.
It's not like Obama and Patrick are the first people of any color to "borrow" from Dr. King.
Give me a choice between McCain and the overblown Mrs. Obama's husband and I'll take Mr. Obama...
...What part of this thread invited a policy discussion about BObama?
Well, for some reason you're willing to support the Messiah instead of McCain. I'll assume it's not how he looks in a swim suit.
If that's the battle, we'll talk policy, mental acuity and correctness for the the point of history in which we find ourselves. Premature right now. I happen to hope it stays that way.
DT 0850,
In another thread I made clear the Deval Patrick thing was chickenflop.
This isn't a lack of speaking acumen. There is a deep, profound and disturbing message in her words, A narcissistic and "entitled" approach that one hopes is only hers and not his.
The two issues are not vaguely comparable. One is chickenflop. The other is a clear alarm. What is even more telling is how well delivered that whole speech was--her best delivery ever. She was speaking from the heart. In other words, she sincerely believes this country is only worthwhile when it pleases her.
Every once in a while, someone gives you a look at their soul. With Eliott Richardson, it was intoxicating. With Michelle Obama, it was profoundly disappointing.
TYFCB but I surely wish you could see why the two were so different one from the other.
Should have clarified myself. It was some Hillary-leaning talking heads who were lumping the two this morning on one of the shoutfests, not you.
Mama Obama should thank her lucky stars she is living in the good old USA, but she still ain't on the ballot.
Her comments reflect that she believes the United States over the past 20 is simply not a very good place. This is the same for Barack Obama's message - implicit in his message of change is that this country is a horrible place where people can not succeed, prosper or attain happiness and that his government will fix all that.
Of course we're not perfect, but this is still the greatest nation on earth with the greatest opportunities for everyone, no matter what situation they are born in to. If they cannot recognize the good in this country, they are blinded by something which will make them poor leaders. If they cannot recognize the good in this county, where will they want to take us?
So these comments are very relevant and must be seized upon to highlight the very depressing and pessimistic view of the country that the Obamas hold.
I think everyone should cut Mrs. Obama some slack for at least two reasons:
1. There is a thread running through left/liberal/Democrat thought about why we shouldn't be proud of our country. On the one extreme are the Chomskyites and those who believe we have not had anything to be proud of ever since white men landed and stole the country from the natives. On the other end is the common complaint that if it weren't for that Idiot George Bush, the whole world would love us again like they did prior to 2001. Of course this is bogus and easy to disprove, but it is still the CW among Democrats and repeated over and over. Today I saw a quote from Hillary, made in the January 31 debate in LA that pretty much says the same thing as Mrs. Obama---that peace will rule throughout the universe and we will all be able to hold our heads up high at Davos again once a Democrat is ensconced in the WH.
2. The non-stop bloviation factor. Wasn't it just about a year ago that Obama announced his run for POTUS in Springfield? He and the Mrs. have been running and speaking and yammering ever since. When you consider the amount of blahblahblah done over the course of a looooong campaign, it is amazing there aren't more gaffes and "miscommunications".
As far as I know, this is the first Mrs. Obama has let her inner Chomsky out. If it becomes a pattern, like the Clintons and the race stuff before, during and after the SC primary, then I'll think about it more seriously.
I voted for Obama in the primary, but am not sure if I'll vote for him in the general----there's a lot more stuff that is sure to hit the fan for all candidates before November.
As usual, you blithering idiots on this blog choose to focus on semantics rather than substance and can never clearly define any of your dearly held "truths" about what makes you proud to be an American (definitions of which are noticably absent in most replies because the default amongst you Faux News Watchers is, "You're Damn Right I'm Proud (Now Tell Me Why, Cuz I'm A Little Stuck here)" . And as usual, most of your readership would like to disguise their responses which are motivated in racism. Tony, quit your goddamn bloviating about who is more patriotic. Using your jingoistic yardstick as a measure of a person's character, worth, integrity, or ability will get us all killed in the long run. Nationalism doesn't exist in a vacuum, my friend. Whenever you start your crap about America being the GREATEST of ALL Nations you conveniently forget to include anything about the moral compromises that are made to get to #1, i.e. if I am advantaged, that must mean someone else is disadvantaged. To be a HAVE means that someone else (read, every other country in the world)is a HAVE NOT-the HAVE-state is not autonomously obtained, nor is it honestly obtained, nor is it ordained by God (as many of you wish to believe). Read a little something abot white privilege and then you can maybe begin to spout on what makes Americans proud with some authenticity. How dare you, a white male in your 50s (I'm not totally mean), dare to deny what another's experience in being American is? How dare you even attempt to say that you will be the arbiter and define that state of proudness? When you start with your crap about the Lincoln Memorial and the Lincoln Musuem have you completely forgotten the context in which you defined Abe's greatness? Come on, man, you're smarter than that, but apparently, (and transparently) lazy, if you don't do the intellectual heavy-lifting. Do the pathetic majority readership of this blog a favor and at least frame YOUR perspective appropriately. As a reminder, you are a white male with an advanced degree and I could give a crap about your service record or how you grew up as a poor white male. You did what you WANTED to do and were rewarded for it. You wouldn't know a factual barrier to realizing your full human potential if it threatened you with a white robe and a flaming stick. Or denied you admission, or a loan, or a place to live where you wanted, or the ability to got to the school of your choice. The racist past of this country (and it's continued active discrimination as evidenced by most of the responses here) ain't so distant and you would do well to do a little reality check.
I don't think HRC has ever said she's only had one time in her adult life when she's REALLY PROUD of her country.
It's either a self-absorbed or a Chonskyite comment.
Guess it could be both.
Thank you for presenting the argument for differing standards for love-of-country based on race.
Oh and forgive me for providing the only perspective I can authentically provide regarding love of country.
You withering criticism says more about you than it does all the other hopeless boobs who hang out here.
Anon 1935,
I just reread the original post. I am pleased that you don't give a crap about my service record but I didn't mention it here.
Thank you for your acute interest in my biography.
7:35 PM
Swell, just what we need in the top spot, a pair of high achieving "victims" chewed up and spat out by the horrors of freedom.
Barak and Michelle Obama are just another version of the same crowd of elitist, liberal, smarter than you, kinder than you, prettier than you, apologizing for America saps that the Democrat elite has always found to carry it's banner. Sad the drones that vote for them can't sit up and smell the roses.
7:35 chimes in with the "you can't criticize them cause their black, and your lily white ass doesn't know what it's like to be black" line of horseshit.
So the wife of the most liberal Senator is now proud for the first time. Congratulations and thanks for purveying more elitist liberal tripe under the guise of change. I suppose our country has been worthless up until now and we should praise Heaven that salvation is on the horizon. As usual, truth is between the words and reveals a sober truth.
It's funny the MSM engages in extensive slobbering over how well Barrack Hussein Obama speaks. Yet we should accept the prolific patronizing nonsense and ignore everything else such as his wife's statements? I am confused; is she an asset or isn't she? Should we get out the redacting pen and only save the "good" stuff? Garbage, it's time to judge his intent, capabilities, accomplishments and character; that includes his wife who is forcefully participating in this great Houdini act.
Here's the (truncated) Hillary quote:
"...(blahblah)whether we're going to once again be proud of our country(blahblah)..."
As you said, it's true that she didn't say she's only had one time in her adult life when she was REALLY PROUD of her country, but you must remember that Hillary's life span is considerably longer than Mrs. Obama's, so Hillary's single "proud" moment may have been before Mrs. Obama was born.
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