Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Boys were the preeminent students in American High Schools for years. Now Boys are the academic duds. What to do about that? As an employer, I have an easy solution. Hire more women. What's the problem with that? Isn't the workplace supposed to be competitive?

If boys want to p!ss away their academic time to play video games, there's still 54% of our population out there succeeding and getting ready to be stars in the workplace. What's the problem with that?


At 7:09 AM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an observation, but women are very non-producive in the workplace. Too much talking,drama, gossip, butting into each other's business. With women it seems at times that their jobs are secondary behind kids and family. They hardly ever show up due to sick kids. It's a constant internal debat in each of their minds as to whether or not they should be working or should they be be stay-at-home moms/wifes, and ultimatley their preformance and productivity falls off due to said ambiguity.

But you didn't hear that from me.

At 7:54 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

That's always one of the reasons given for girls' failure to fly high at higher math and science. If it were still true, you would see men outperforming women at the most challenging technical levels. Instead, you see women with their noses to the grindstone and men playing video games and bowhunting and NasCar watching.

Maybe your anecdotal experience is typical of the woman worker over (and any age will be arbitrary) forty. I don't know. Obviously, the people entering the workplace now are to be judged on their own merit and the women are occupying superior positions.

You can argue that, once they start having babies, their attention will be deflected and I can't disprove that. The air force did a study a few years ago about tanker pilots which measured women against their own previous performance. After the first 12 weeks post-partum, they were actually MORE reliable and focused in the workplace after having a first child.

I can't argue with what you personally have observed. All I can say in meritocracy that is modern education, the girls are kicking butt for the first time in recorded US history and, If I'm an employer, I want a high achiever, regardless of gender.

Thanks for you comment. It's not easy to speak but the unspeakable but it did advance the discussion.

At 10:24 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Tooly spelled almost backwards,

You're probably right but I don't even get to that. If girls are reaching higher right now and boys are slacking, the marketplace response should be simple. It's not some kind of national tragedy. Somebody's pursuit of happiness is more diligent than somebody else's. Hire the achiever. End of story.

At 1:35 PM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points. In regards to the first post, probalbly resentment from having no luck with women. But in the words of Jimmy Buffet, "It's my own damn fault"

At 6:49 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Rocky Cola said...

I have 2 daughters and their potential is every bit as good a man in todays world-if not better.

Just have to worry about the teenage years a little more than if I had sons, however...

At 7:57 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anybody with a good mind an willingness to pay the price should have a shot at rising to the top.

As to the other problem, Rotweiller and being engaged in gun cleaning when the little pimple rancher shows up are recommended.

Have fun. Been there, done that!

Thanks for coming by.

At 7:53 AM, June 15, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

You got the dogs and the guns. For an added touch, wear a mustard stained "wife beater" shirt when the pimple rancher comes to pick up the darling and hold a bowie knife between your lips. This usually induces "Would nine-thirty be all right?"

At that point, you make a great show of setting your cell phone alarm.

Thanks for coming by.

At 9:34 AM, June 15, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

To All my friends at Quanada,

Lootie gets a little carried away sometimes. This blog promotes freedom of speech. Thus this post was not whacked.

I realize this was Parody and really mocking domestic violence but I also recognize the risk of doing anything which might seem to trivialize violence against women. Read this with the grain of salt it deserves. Nobody opposes DV more than the RW Lootie.

At 12:51 PM, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


ABC, probalbly should delete it, I ain't stickin around. You don't want to encur big Q or their lobby's wrath. DV was once a topic of public humor, but those days is dun!

Sign me: running scared!

At 8:23 AM, May 21, 2011, Anonymous Patrick said...

It seems to me that the educational system has been stacked against boys for a long time. Society is swinging the same way by it's debate-centered actions.

Women say they want equality but if you pay attention to the stats, both for education and for employment, a picture of inequality becomes evident. It's only when you get to the the actual job picture that it sways the other way.

I believe that it is because men are more dedicated to the job while women are more towards family.

While this is not a bad thing we should be trying to find a way of utilizing this needed difference but instead we get male bashing and stereotyping. The same things women have said all along, when it was applied towards them, was wrong.

You can't build something by tearing down one half of it's support. No matter which half it is. As a society, we should be rewarding individual initiative and abilities regardless of gender, race, or creed.

It's not by words but by one's actions that should be the measure of a man/woman.


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