Sunday, January 24, 2010


Not long ago, I found myself in the presence of a molecular opthalmologist (practicing almost exclusively in genetics-based treatments), one of the top five experts on the migration of bald eagles and a heavy equipment salesman.

It turns out, Heavy Sales was a self-identified expert in wine. In fact, he was such an expert that he held forth on wine for more than an hour without coming up for air. This he did despite the obvious fact that Molecular Doc and I weren't drinking any wine at all and Eagle guy was nursing his first and only glass.

Soon the experience was over. I never got hear about Molecular Guy's latest work with Usher's Syndrome or Eagle Guy's view on the relationship between the Flood of '08 and the Mississippi loafing habits of the younger, male Eags.

I'll probably see Eagle Guy again but not in such a relaxed atmosphere where he could share some of his knowledge and enthusiasm with me. I'll probably never have another opportunity to hear (even the fourth grade version) about genetic medical applications and the equipment that enables them. More's the pity, Molecular Guy and Eagle Guy liked each other and clearly wanted to talk about each other's field. All I would have had to have done is sit back and listen.

Instead, Mr. Oenophile blocked out the conversational sun on a topic that interested no one at that table but him.

I've never been bothered by wine snobs before. Wine Bores are a completely different story.


At 9:42 AM, January 24, 2010, Blogger Rocky Cola said...

They should put up a crossing sign at 24th & State for Wine Bores.

At 1:10 PM, January 24, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it would be rude to say ... " you know, enough about wine, how 'bout those eagles"?

At 1:29 PM, January 24, 2010, Blogger UMRBlog said...

I actually tried almost exactly that. It prompted Heavy to note that he'd been to a wine-tasting event with Donovan McNabb.


At 6:54 AM, January 25, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My strategy is to just ask if they've tried the stuff that comes in a box from Aldi.

At 7:12 AM, January 25, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wine goes best with dog? Does he marinate in wine after he beats them?

... or you then have to ask a deeper probing question of eagle guy, so he gets a running start into a new subject.

Can't say I'm great at that, so I just avoid people, and say my piece/peace on the internet blogs, and select my articles there too. Not as nice as face to face, but more efficient (and less expensive).


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