Monday, January 12, 2009


We all have a lot to do. Imagine if you could have fifteen additional minutes each day. You could make more money, cut your nails or get your eyeglasses adjusted.

We here at the Basin are going to give you those 15 minutes. Simply skip Pat Quinn's daily press conference because we are going to translate it for you.

First you need to know that it's a groundhog day event. The same thing happens every day. Second, you must realize that, while it sounds like English, it's actually Selfrighteousspeak, a melifluous, seductive form of Celtic communication. Here is the English translation:

"Rod Blagojevich is a bad man. I am a good man. I should be Governor. I should be Governor NOW. I should have been Governor yesterday. I'm that good. Even if Rod Blagojevich is not a bad man, you think he's a bad man. Therefore, he can't continue to serve as your Governor. You don't know who the Hell I am but, if I tell you I'm a GOOD MAN every day, pretty soon you'll believe it and somehow that'll make me Governor.

So, in closing; Good man, Bad man, Me Governor, Him Evil."

So, use your 15 minutes wisely.

Important endnote: Pat Quinn really, really is a good guy but there's something about this Blago arrest that causes everybody involved to utterly lose his or her poise. His panicky behavior is the very best evidence of that.


At 2:17 PM, January 12, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, do you believe "good guy" Quinn's senate appointment will/would be superior to "bad guy" Blago's?

And when considering Illinois politics, how low is the bar set between good and bad?

In other words, would Burris and/or Quinn's appointment be worse than Al Franken?

Do Democrats have a natural affilation with clowns?

Just askin'.

At 3:24 PM, January 12, 2009, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Pat has always been a "good government" agitator. Although he was a pretty good treasurer, my experience with outside agitators is that they are more comfortable and effective, well, "outside".

Yeah, he'd be a better governor than the current specimen but that's kind of just an evolutionary food chain thing. When you take a Pepperdine graduate who really doesn't believe in public discourse, suffers from social anxiety disorder when around other politicians and breaks out in hives when he ventures more than sixty feet from his home, you've got fairly small shoes to fill.

The bigger point here (although, admittedly, not very big)is this modest, dedicated man has turned into a fire-breathing powergrabber.

Conduct Unbecoming a Reformer.


At 6:21 AM, January 13, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could save another fifteen minutes a day not paying attention to the hot air coming out of Durbin's mouth. Case in point, his recent flip-flop-flip Burris positions, an Emily Llitella moment for the ages.


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