Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Money talks, Fox jumps and MLB whimpers. Fox has put game six of the WORLD FREAKING SERIES back a half hour so BObama can do an polinfomercial. Not only would they never pull this on the NFL, they wouldn't do it to NASCAR, WWE or any of the Mixed Martial Arts vendors.

God Help us. Not only are we losing the industrial edge in the world. We are also dissing baseball when the rest of the world has begun embracing it.

This wouldn't happen if Bud Selig were alive today!............Oh, wait,......He is.


At 11:29 AM, October 21, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

Oh my !

Your dead on right that the NFL wouldn't budge . MLB is really screwing up . What happened to baseball being the sport of the masses ? Hell people need a 2nd job just to go to one darn baseball game .

MLB needs to rethink everything . Just a poorly run pro sport. The NFL on the other hand is how a sport should be run .

No player is bigger than the NFL . Ask Mike Vick about that when he gets out of jail .

At 2:54 PM, October 21, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Umrbaby: I think you're bitterly clinging to guns, God and Hillary. Don't let your bitterness keep you from enjoying our national pastime Brother...

At 7:46 AM, October 22, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

My beef's with Fox, not Barry.

Disrespect MLB, devalue the product that you paid a Billion Bucks for....stupid. ESPN did a thing a couple of years ago. For every minute after 8:05 Eastern the games start, they lose 750,000 boys under 13 as viewers.

Those boys grow up to be daddies who take their kids to MLB games and perpetuate the legends of the game. Children should know who Virgil Trucks was, who Cool Papa Bell was, Who Lou Boudreau was. That's probably more important than knowing who Spiro Agnew was (But I do miss the photo).



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