Saturday, September 06, 2008


As nearly as I can recall, I have never watched a full segment, let alone a full program of Oprah Winfrey's. It seems to me, Kathy Lee Crosby went on the show to explain how she wasn't an exploiter of children in China, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, she just played one on TV and I saw some of that in a Hotel somehwere, maybe on an elevator TV.

Her show might be great. She might be great. Works for me.

But feet of clay pop out in funny ways. First, it rings hollow that she won't have the first woman candidate for Vice President on her show. Her show is supposed to be about uplifting women. SPalin is fairly obviously a woman. Even if just to ask, "how do you get it all done?" it seem like a no-brainer to give women a look at someone who has raised children and obviously succeeded, not to mention in a harsh, demanding climate. So that's disconnect number one.

Disconnect number two is Oprah's insistent that Palin coming on the show "has not been discussed." OK, let's forget that Palin is the most prominent female in american news right now. Forget that any producer worth his/her salt would be saying "let's get Palin on soon!". Focus on this, if wasn't discussed, how was it determined that Palin wouldn't be in? Burning Bush? Stone Tablet from Dr. Phil.

Maybe this isn't a big enough deal to call hypocrisy. But it's damn sure dishonest. Come on, Oprah, if you've vetoed the idea because you don't want to give her air time, say so. Don't say it's never been discussed. A deeply engaged team like yours couldn't help but discuss it. Nothing wrong with being for a candidate, just say so.

For clarity, I don't give a rip whether Palin is on Oprah. I just don't like somebody powerful thinking that something is so because she says it's so.

How does an Oprah fan believe her about anything else when she can't be honest about this?


At 4:12 PM, September 06, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok UMR, knock the crap off!!! Just when I'm getting used to taking you to task for you snide and elitist remarks, you come along with a great post like this one. I have been thinking exactly the same thing. If Oprah doesn't want Palin on her show it's damn fine with me but the dishonesty about the whole thing is very sad. I may have to rethink you. I said "may."

At 11:05 PM, September 06, 2008, Blogger Rocky Cola said...

This election is going to shed some light on the sisterhood thing, and it is fun to watch.

At 6:30 AM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Rodney Hart said...

Oprah is the most dangerous woman in the world. Thanks for calling her out ....

At 2:16 PM, September 07, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palin wouldn't appear anyway. The McCain campaign has her on lockdown. It would be better for Obama if Oprah invited her and she refused.

At 8:58 AM, September 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks just a wee bit racial and sexist if you ask me! Oprah who???? Not a bright move on her part to go political.

At 6:41 PM, September 08, 2008, Blogger ursadailynews said...

On one hand, since the Oprah show is basically a private business they can decide whom to invite or not invite to appear.

But, you're dead on that something smells funny. Palin, as a successful woman, mother, and politician, would certainly draw a large, very large, audience. One has to suspect a strong motive for not even considering Palin as a guest.

At 7:35 PM, September 08, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


As long as they don't have any of the candidates on, they are legally free to avoid the political arena. There are no completely private business on the public airways because the stations must comply with their "Certificate of Public Convenience" (laughable term), but your conclusion is correct.

My deal is the honesty thing. Don't say you didn't discuss it when your staff is come to a conclusion. Don't say you're out of this election cycle when you've endorsed a guy.

TYFCB and continued success with your terrific blog.


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