Friday, January 04, 2008


The econ repubs are simply not going for Huckabee. They're just having a little trouble finding the right poison pill. Eventually they'll settle on everybody's favorite crazy uncle, McCain.

It is true Edwards now has $ problems but he's a dynamic campaigner and wants to be there if Obama steps on a banana peel. As for Hillary, it seems to me that WJC never won a primary until Georgia, yet rumor has is it he actually served two terms as Leader of the Free World.

The real good news last night was about 100,000 new peeps decided to be comfortable in a room full of democrats. Ya'll stick around, hear?

The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's tail every day.


At 10:17 AM, January 04, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree that McCain will ultimatly win. The Republicans pick based on who's turn it is. In the sixties it was Goldwater's and Nixon's turn. In the seventies Ford threw a monkey wrench being the incumbent, but in 1980 they gave Reagan his turn. BushI had some competiton early but the rank and file gave it to him eventually because it was his turn. 1996 proved this again when they went with Dole. His turn had come. They went with Bush in 2000 because they had nobody who qualified for a turn. It wasn't McCain's turn yet so they went with a familiar name. This year it's McCains turn. When he loses in November Romney and Huckabee can get ready for 2012. It will be turn time for one of them.

At 11:02 AM, January 04, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Huckabee will have a horrible jogging accident and Romney will still be a Mormon.

George Prescott Bush will be 35 YOA, however.


At 1:24 PM, January 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand amazed this morning that the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation continued its streak last night and rejected the wife of America's first black President for Barack Obama. When will they repudiate their legacy?

At 2:42 PM, January 04, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Okey-Dokey! What's the frequency, Kenneth?


At 6:55 AM, January 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's a joke.

Bill Clinton's cute little "first black president" tag is now the saddest, most pathetic thing on the face of the Earth in comparison to Obama's potential.

At 7:43 AM, January 05, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


That's nice. You do get that it was BLACK people who gave WJC that moniker,right? It was nothing he ever said.

But, if you want it to be "pathetic", whatever makes you happy.

I think folks offering themselves up for public service is a decent undertaking but, if you think Obama's potential makes any of the others "pathetic", have it your way.

Guess humor always will be a matter of individual taste.



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