Friday, November 09, 2007


The Basin doesn't do stock tips: outside my license and no insurance for it. Still, I have the sense that this is a great time to get some more or less idle money into the stock market. I gagged on the opportunity today but my order is in and my purchase will be made in the mysterious Monday Night Computer Run (you know the one--where the insiders get a peek into the clue box.)

Get out there and buy stock. You might make some money and Uncle Sam needs you!


At 4:08 PM, November 09, 2007, Blogger TOOKIE said...

If I was an invester in Piggies ......

I would NOT invest in a Coach named Fran .......that looks like Headly Lamar from "Blazing Saddles" ......

Bad investment !

GE is always a great BUY with div reinvest ...... no matter what GE , Keith Richards , and cockroaches will be here.


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