Monday, June 18, 2007


Kind of a dull day here in the Basin. After the high energy pitch this weekend, how could it be otherwise? A tobacco analyst won the U.S. Open. Nifong got disbarred. 130 deadbeat dads got arrested for back child support in this State on Fathers day and Paris Hilton accepted Jesus as her personal savior and cellmate. That level of excitement could simply not be maintained.

Nothing unusual about a smoker winning a major championship at Oakmont. Parks, Nicklaus and Hogan were all smokers on the course. Nelson and Miller were not but they had good excuses. Nelson had been exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and Miller is a Mormon. It's not like Cabrera winning is some fluke. He's a seasoned professional who plays in Europe where he sees more Oakmont-like weird lies than US touring pros see.

I have written extensively about Nifong before so I won't belabor the point. Still, I have heard so much disinformation in the national media, I feel compelled to say this much: Mike Nifong was not disbarred because he charged athletes (or white people) on thin evidence and he wasn't disbarred because he behaved in an arrogant manner (which he most certainly did). He was disbarred because he failed to disclose evidence to the defense which could have been favorable to the defense, made impermissible pretrial statements and, worst of all, made false or misleading statements to the court with jurisdiction and to the disbarment tribunal. In other words, he wasn't disbarred because he misused his power as a chief prosecutor. In the end, he was disbarred because he failed to follow the rules after he made his questionable decision. When we accept the privilege to practice law, we accept the rules which accompany that privilege. It's an express contract. Nifong breached that contract. The rules are in print so we can look them up. All the race and class warfare stuff was just wallpaper.

My favorite weekend action is the mass arrest of useless sperm donors who can't share whatever bounty life has brought them with the children they created. I have heard every conceivable argument from Mr. Non-Support. None of them wash. Make a baby, support it. Be a man. You're out of the seventh grade now. Even if you want nothing to do with Mom or vice versa and even though you have nothing personally to add to the baby's life, pay the baby before the dice game or strip club cover charge or the night out with your new girlfriend. To Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, great job! Father's day pickup of these bottom feeders helped a lot of struggling single mothers not feel so bad on the day that reminds them there's no father there.

Most importantly, for all those guys who had divorces or "oops" moments and have stepped up and supported, maybe even interacted with, the little on, Great Job.

Anyhow, after all that excitement, nothing much happening here, give or take a Josh Rabe surgery.


At 5:19 AM, June 19, 2007, Blogger TOOKIE said...

It could be done by a Q-tonw guy .

Nifong was just classic . But the question is he didn't have to resign , but he couldn't do his job in court if he didn't ????

That is the confusing moment for me . But in the end it showed Nifong had a "hint" of class left.

And the 130 very special Father's day cards CRACKED me up ! Love it !

At 6:21 AM, June 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one more: Over heard from Nifong, "Eight years of law school down the drain, might as well join the f------ peace corps"

At 2:42 PM, June 19, 2007, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Umr: Was Nifong stuck between a rock and a hard place no matter what. This doesn't excuse his bad judgement. But, if he hadn't gone on with the prosecution of the young men, he is branded a racist and all kinds of other things. The guy was going down either way.

At 3:09 PM, June 19, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...


No. That's the great irony here. Until around early May of '06 he had a clear out. His charging decision was essentially unreviewable. He couldn't be disciplined for it.

Before he started funnying up the DNA disclosure and putting Meehan behind the 8 ball, all he had to do was say "my physical evidence didn't pan out and I'm dismissing."

He MIGHT (and I doubt it) have gotten a letter of reprimand for his pretrial comments but there would have been nothing involving deceit. He could have practiced law until he died. He would have been a one-termer as prosecutor but it would have been because he came around and did the right thing.

Blacks in Durham would have mostly said he caved to the man, sure. But the end result of what he actually did was to ruin his career and just kill his family and friends.

He had a clear and honorable out until he started to cover up his own flawed judgment. They never learn. The coverup kills ya when ya could have survived the crime!

Thanks for coming by and for the good question.

At 5:09 AM, June 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad thing is with no Nifong & Parris in JAIL -WTH are we going to talk about ?



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