Thursday, May 31, 2007


In today's excerpt--baseball mascots in the 1910s and 1920s, the heyday of baseball's biggest stars Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, shows how much American societal norms have changed:

"Superstition flourished in baseball. Teams hired black children, hunchbacks, and mis-fits as good luck charms. The 1911 World Series had seen the clash of two of the most famous mascots, Charles "Victory' Faust, described by some as a lunatic, and Louis Van Zelst, a dwarf. (Faust's Giants lost; within three years, he was in an insane asylum.) The Tigers had a six- toed batboy in 1919. They adopted a mutt, nicknamed Victory, in 1923--a year after experimenting with a live tiger cub. The St. Louis Browns even toured with a monkey--until the team started losing.

"[Ty] Cobb himself had the exuberant Alex Rivers, who since 1908 had acted as his personal assistant and number-one devotee. Rivers, a five-foot-two black man from New Orleans, was a familiar sight at [Detroit's] Navin Field, bounding through the dugout to retrieve bats, flashing his toothy smile. 'I want Alex around,' Cobb said during a Detroit winning streak. 'I realize that the work of our players wins games, but just the same I wouldn't like to start one without Alex here. Superstitious? Well, maybe.' ...

"The Yankees employed the prize of all mascots. The much sought Eddie Bennett--a stunted, crippled orphan credited with helping the White Sox, Dodgers, and Yankees win pennants from 1919 to 1923--had joined the Yankees as a grinning, seventeen-year-old batboy in 1921. Before games, Ruth and Bennett sometimes entertained with a game of catch in which Ruth would continually hurl a ball just above Bennett's reach. Ruth wanted only Bennett to handle his bats."

Tom Stanton, Ty and the Babe, St. Martin's Press, 2007, pp. 104-5.


At 6:39 AM, May 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Lou better step it up, or they'll make him a mascot. Did you see that 9-0 drubing last night? Sad.

At 2:35 PM, May 31, 2007, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We thought about a mascot at THE ORACLE but Lootie already had dibs on the beer toting refuge from Katrina. How could that one be topped?

At 2:59 PM, June 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cubs lose Friday afternoon, a brawl in the dugout! The psycho's R US battery of Zammy and Barrett go at it! This after Barrett was given a "mental health day" for having his head up his butt.

In George's voice: "That's chaos, and chaos is not good for the ......"

Maybe Hulk Hogan could be the Cubs mascot, or Lou Albano. What ever happened to the "Season Of Hope", I hope the're still not running that sappy commercial.
Meanwhile, the Cards have caught & passed the Cubbies.

At 7:00 PM, June 03, 2007, Blogger TOOKIE said...

Funny sh*t !!!!!!!!!

My father is the World's biggest STL BROWNS fan on the planet ! The storys this week of Summer & being 11 - 17 hopping on a train or freight train (breaking the law) and heading to STL to watch the Browns .

We still have at Cassa De Lootie 12 boxes FULL of programs with hand scribbed stats !

And people Wonder WHY I HATE the cards ?????

Dad a BROWNS fan and Grandpa Park the world's Die hard Cubs fan !

Made me SMILE Tony


At 6:53 AM, June 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After this WE, what are we gonna DO with the Cubs and Big LOU?

You don't need to watch reality TV or Soap Opera's to git your drama fix, just watch the 3 ring circus at Clark and Addison.


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