Thursday, March 27, 2008


The invader-in-chief just said any US withdrawal (not even a "coalition" fig leaf any more) would be a publicity "coup" for the bad guys.

Too bad he didn't pay any attention to the writings of his own Sec'y of State before he did this dog and pony show. The exit strategy is something you're supposed to consider before initiating military action.

I mean it's nice that he's thinking about it now but, I mean, that was five years ago!

When he was Governor of Texas, even the people who liked him said it took him "Two hours to watch '60 minutes' " He's got that insightful grasp of his on display now. Very disappointing.

And, yes, Powell sold out his principles when he held up that stupid vial in the U.N.--but that's a whole 'nother story.


At 8:55 AM, March 27, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need for an exit strategy if Bill Clinton and his sniper ducking wife had taken Obama out when they had him in their sights. But he was too busy getting BJ’s to be bothered with world events.

At 9:48 AM, March 27, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

The shot missed because the intel was either slow or faulty (or both). What on earth that has to do with Iraq is the BQ.

And you mean Osama, but who's counting?


At 10:02 AM, March 27, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opps, your right. I was just in too much of a hurry to respond. Obama, Osama...Hell, just call me Ed Kennedy...........

At 2:08 PM, March 27, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Dammit Tony! I'm having a good time trying to hang with you and you go and post something nobody can argue with you about. Give nus some controversey Brother! We political junkies thrive on that.

At 9:19 AM, March 28, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tony,

No reply to this post. Just wanted to let you know, Mom passed away this morning about 8:00. I know she always considered you a friend.

See ya in a few weeks,

At 4:15 PM, March 29, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Got a phone call about that. The wife and I are truely sorry to hear about your lose.

Didn't know you still peeked in from Iraq. Hope you are doing well and look forward to catching up with you when you get back. Will you be back sooneer due to the circumstances or are you still looking at May?

Either way, I'll get your breakfast and paper next time I see you for Sunday breakfast!

Take care of yourself!


At 5:34 AM, March 30, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment was correct - any withdraw, at any time short of total victory, will indeed be used as a propoganda victory.

Of course this will happen, this is what propoganda is all about.

All this means is that we need to win - isn't this the strategy when going to war?

It could likely be accomplished in a more timely manner if we could get the country more on board for winning than running.

At 11:27 AM, March 30, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


You missed the point of the original post entirely. Correct or not, this is the first time he's ever acknowledged the need for an exit strategy and/or consequences for not having one.


At 1:59 PM, March 30, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


So very sorry. Great friend, citizen, mother.

Best to you.

At 3:49 PM, March 30, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kidding, right? One does not plan an 'exit strategy' beyond - "we win - they lose."

Do you think that there was an exit strategy in WWI? In WWII?

Of course there were..."we win - they lose."

What kind of dope needs to have this discussed and planned out?

In the case of Iraq, as the circumstances allow, troop withdraw begins. As the troop withdraws take place and all remains stable, you bring more troops home.

And the dance continues.

Why would you think that there is some golden-plan, some pre-determined date that would supercede the circumstances on the ground?

Why would anyone believe that this is something that needs to be detailed (and discussed before our enemies)?

At 3:56 PM, March 30, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


You're saying two things amid all that attitude: One, you don't believe in the Powell doctrine; and, Two, you don't see any difference in a war where we're attacked by the putative enemy and one where we just elect to invade a country.

If there's a military man in the world who doesn't advocate an exit strategy and a metric definition for victory in a war of choice, I haven't read him yet.

If you think Powell is just wrong, that's your privilege but then it's strange that Bush said he reposed so much trust in somebody with such an idiot theory, isn't it?

I'll bet Earl believed in an exit strategy.

At 8:00 PM, March 30, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not heard Powell speak of this exit strategy.

I just don't see an exit strategy that is worthy of pursuing other than - "we win - they lose" as the alternative, "we lose - they win" really doesn't work well.

Once you win, the exit strategy seems to handle itself. Persoanlly, I think that if we would have fought to win from Day #1, talk of an exit strategy would not be necessary.

So, given where we are at today - let's complete the effort by winning. At that point, exiting will be easy enough.

This is exactly what Earl taught me - to win.

"we win - they lose"

At 6:14 AM, March 31, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Read up on Powell and maybe we could actually discuss the topic intelligently someday.

Is "we win" when everybody's dead in Iraq or just when we've destroyed the entire infrastructure.

Every military mission should have an objective. Was it "Kill Sadam" "install democracy" or what? Ya can't claim "win" without having defined victory.


At 12:50 PM, March 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We win is simple - killing Saddam certainly cannot be the end of the program, as someone worse can step in.

Allowing stabalization of the country, from a security point of view and a government point of view.

These are not issues that one can say, "when 'X' and 'Y' happen, we are out." The fact is that these are fluid issues that require observation and decisions based on these observations.

I don't understand why this is an issue now - when the Congress voted for action against Iraq, don't you think if an 'Exit Strategy" were so easy to formulate, one of those voting would have brought it up?

They did not because it is impossible and impractical to state exactly how and when this happens. It is an ever-changing reality that needs to be dealt with.

The question that needs to be asked is not of exit-strategy, it is - "President Bush, I thought that when you ran for POTUS, you were against 'nation-building'?

At 1:42 PM, March 31, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Fair point on the nation-building.

The rest of what you said is just another way of saying you reject the Powell doctrine, which asks the musical question "How do we know victory when we see it?"

BTW, I really like your chances at Torrey Pines, perfect track for you.


At 7:43 PM, March 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know victory when we see it. I would certainly think that militery leaders know victory. I believe that political experts know victory (a stable Iraq) whenthey see it.

My point from the beginning - and I apologize if I have stumbled over explaining it, is...

Would it not be far easy to judge victory from first-hand experience rather than some predetermined idea of victory months or years before it happens?

And yes, I am going to kill them at Torry Pines, and next week at the Masters. Both tracks are built for me! Mickelson and Butch are going to be eating my dust!


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