Saturday, January 26, 2008


If our friendly Federal Government is going to pass some kind of stimulus package for the current flatline economy, what should its purpose be? If it is a short term, temporary boost, then it stands to reason the gov't would want every dime spent back into the economy. In other words, you want to get money quickly into the hands of people who will spend all of it and invest none of it.

(Note: I'm skipping the whole question of the utility of the government in solving financial problems at all. Those who argue that the economy does what the economy does without Gov't guidance, have a point, but, for now, we're past that.)

What category of people could be counted on to spend every dime they rec'v in a check? How about those who are already doing it? Who would that be? Peeps righteously on unemployment. The people who lost their jobs get 26 weeks of UE, then they're toast. If we take all the people who have gone off Unemployment and who remain unemployed (meeting the search requirements) since, say, November, and we extend their benefits 18 to 26 weeks (Pick one, the other, or something in between. I don't care.) we have identified consumer spenders. That money is going to grocery stores, liquor stores, barber shops, car repair shops, drug stores and maybe even the odd department store. These people are going to spend the money.

The GOP objects to this saying it will encourage laziness and idleness. They surely do not understand unemployment law and practice. First, the recipient must look for work. Second, the recipient must accept comparable work or loses benefits. Third, the amount of UE is about 60% of the person's former earnings, on average, so there is a natural desire to reachieve that form of income. Our Right Wing friends see UE as a form of welfare. It is not. It is a social compact with the worker's state. The worker fulfills his portion by faithfully working. The employer pays a modest premium to fund the system. This has been so for about 70 years. The argument against extending unemployment is founded on a misunderstanding of the system and its importance to some of our most earnest producers.

For the democrats to have blinked on this is shameful. It's not too late to fix it. You want money into the working economy? Do as GHW Bush did and pump it in through the righteously and sadly unemployed.

The Basin knows where the spenders are in the basin.


At 2:43 PM, January 26, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As much as we're all looking forward to our checks, we need to share the same sense of dread when the taxes have to be raised to levels higher than ever to make up for the deficits the Bush Administration has made. Cutting federal spending is a good talking point, but the money for schools, infrastructure,jails and countless other needs has to come from someplace. If the feds cut back, the state and local governments have to make up. The $1,200 is nothing more than a payday loan. Instead of each Americans share of the national debt being $40,000, after your check arrives it will be $41,200.

At 3:51 PM, January 26, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

No argument but to add to your point, by past practice, the money will be mostly invested.

IDES recipients, if they got an extension, would spend every dime. At least if you're gonna throw stimulus money out there, throw it to someone who will spend it because the freakin' need it, and usually through not fault of their own.


At 6:04 PM, January 26, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

I just want to know how the hell chuck found a Dupage Cty law Dawg ....

blew my fricken mind .

At 8:20 PM, January 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing is like paying one credit card bill with another credit card. Eventually, we will all suffer the consequences. It is stupid and political.

At 2:31 PM, January 27, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Go back and read the original post. I'm discussing, if we're stuck with a stimulus package, what's at least a sensible format for it.



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