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This is really interesting. I've often wondered if you wouldn't get a better civil jury just taking the first 12 people you could intercept on the street. This is pretty close to that!
Wonder how many of these summoned jurors would still not be showing up if JUST ONE did some jail time with press coverage for whizzing his summons.
never been called for duty...
Actually fascinates me.
Rocky , you can take my place, I just got a notice (again). I looked up ways (on the internet) to get out of it, think I'm safe. I hate jury duty. LOL Just kidding, I'll do it.
Also, tip for public defenders, When your crack-head hood boy client insists upon taking his case for dealing to jury trial, don't let him have his "boys from the hood" meet with him in court. Tends to sway jurors a certain way, go figure.
As a nationally prominent and well respected insurance educator specializing in liability issues used to say "Twelve good idiots, tried and true".
A friend of mine who works at QU got a summons a few years ago and then either ignored it or "forgot about it." He was shocked when a sheriff's deputy showed up at his house, ready to drag him to the courthouse if necessary, but I thought it was pretty sweet.
I got summoned about four years ago and it was a fascinating week. Didn't mind it a bit. Only ended up on one jury.
I was summoned a couple of years ago, but they had no cases in the pipeline and my group didn't even have to go to the courthouse. They called us and told us to stay home.
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