Tuesday, January 08, 2008


God, I could never be a telemarketer. The robot dials 'em and you read the script. Assembly line communications with people who have take 100 phone calls in the last week.

The responses are amusing (and I totally get that these people have been poked and prodded). Points for creativity go to the lady who said "I'm on a long distance call" (Yeah, with a pizza). "Not interested" is a special favorite. The Hungarian Judge assigned very low degree of style points to just hanging up. Repubs, try to tie you up talking so you can't make more calls. They are real interesting to talk to (Mostly they like Mitt). My favorite call was to a youthful voice. "What does she think about schools?" I answered. "How about Health Insurance?" I answered. "She's Chelsea's mother, isn't she?" I answered. "How do you know her?" (I'd introduced myself as a friend). I explained. Now, this is not the way an automated call is supposed to going. Both sides have an interest in getting the hell off the phone. But, she was interested. So finally she says, "Well, I'm only 8 years old and my Mommy's already voted." If every 8 year old in the country was that interested, we'd have a better country in a very few years.

The way the deal is set up, I don't know where in N.H. I'm calling but from my few hours of calls, I'd say that John Edwards and Mitt Romney are going to do better than the sweeps polls showed them doing.

Great experience. Ongoing civics lesson.


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