Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Yes, I did listen to the SOU. Yes, I agreed with the rest of the universe that it was thoroughly stubborn, unrelenting, unrealistic and even a little whiny. That's not what interested me about it.

Truly, this guy has been on the job in 8 different years. He's given 8 SOU's. This is the beginning of the end game. What must he have been feeling? How bitter was it in some ways? How sweet in others.

With WJC's last SOU, I knew exactly what he was feeling. His heart was in DaVos and he had one more chance to make a big world trade and AIDS lick. He was surely thinking a little nostalgia as well, as well as a bit of "What's next?"

But I can't think like W. thinks. I can't be that insular and disinterested. I really wondered, what is this guy feeling. He knows that, other than some smoke and mirrors "stimulus" package, he's not getting anything he's cheerleading for. At some level he knows the war he feels so lovely about is a mission without a defined mission statement. He probably won't miss the trappings. I have no doubt he's happier in Crawford.

But I'll bet there was some pride too. He faced a lot of adversity and he weathered it. His poll numbers are crap and his talented staff (other than Gates) are out the door--last one out, turn out the light!--but he's gonna finish his term. Interesting to close one's eyes and conjure on what he might have been thinking.

I think for the first time in this term, I was really interested in him on a personal level. Here's hoping the service he provided (however goofy I thought it was) didn't shorten his life. When he's done, I hope there's plenty of brushhogging on the ranch and golf with his Dad left.


At 4:35 PM, January 29, 2008, Blogger Rocky Cola said...

this has nothing to do with politics, but I have always felt GWB was less concerned about legacies and being president than some of his predecessors.

Kind of like McGwire and the baseball HOF. He has told many people that it was not relevant to him and has disappeared. Some would argue he had to, but if he wanted to press his case in the media to get the the HOF he would have.
I think GWB will disappear as well, occasionally seeing shots of him on the ranch, but really disinterested in being in the limelight. His impact, just like others will not be seen or understood for sometime.

At 4:52 PM, January 29, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

I pretty much agree with you but this a guy with an MBA from Harvard bus. I would like to have glimpsed @ the reel that was playing in his haid, not for legacy but just for "damn, this time next year, I'll be somewhere else" and then all the trailer thoughts.

McAnabol and Shrubbie, huh? What a point of comparison. I played golf with McAnabol once. Dud. I'll see if I can add Shrubbie and contrast and compare. I'll write it up on my Big Chief Pad and let you read it.


At 11:30 AM, January 30, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wonder how these uncommitted "super-delegates" are going to line up. They could very much determine the election on the Democrat side of things.

As of right now, there are 137 "uncommitted" super delegates, that number is 6th on the list of largest delegate count yet to be committed for one candidate or the other.(Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, California and New York are the other states) That is a big number to watch that could really swing the election one way or the other.


At 12:49 PM, January 30, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

SuperDelegates are in a constant state of flipping like Chinese acrobats.

There's a formula for figuring out how they will vote as a body. CNN calls it "The Bullshit Vector" off camera of course.


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