Tuesday, June 20, 2006


The next three days will be taken up with the adventures of "Retired Guy". More on Motorcycles and grandchildren later.

Today I relate to you some inside baseball. About six weeks ago, a very close friend of mine solidly connected with the republican party, told me "I know you've been hearing it around but no way TG can afford to Join Jon McCoy. It's not going to happen and Jon's not going to promise it." This was off the topic my friend and I were discussing and I have no way of knowing why it seemed so important for him to tell me this. This particular friend is known to be talkative. Truthful but talkative.

Of course then Retired Guy, candidate for Adams County Sheriff, announces that he'll "hire" TG and save the world from the meth scourge!

So I guess there are four possibilities:

1. My friend knowingly lied to me; (I reject this one)

2. TG's circumstances changed and my friend didn't know or didn't tell me (possible, but unlikely);

3. TG has no intention of changing jobs but that didn't stop McCoy from saying it (don't like this one much either);

4. McCoy troops purposely fed my friend disinformation, knowing he would pass it on to someone close to Sheriff Fischer like, for instance, me.

At the end of the day, My friend has to deal with whatever really happened but, in any event, it is a look in the clue box of how local republicans play the game. This is the kind of intrigue that would have made Bob Nall in his prime proud. Purposely using a straight shooter like my friend to spread disinformation, the kind of stuff Nall would have in place before breakfast. More to come, I'm sure.

Who was Nall's Chief Deputy? Oh, silly me. I get it now.


At 12:33 PM, June 20, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

There is a national chicken shortage because of the Canadian Bird Flu scare (In fact, I didn't think Gem Bird looked too good the other night.). So you were probably saved from eating counterfeit possum.

We don't deport people any more. We "return them to their country of origin!". That is so warm and fuzzy!

Thanks for coming by.

At 3:05 PM, June 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Redbirds ain't gonna look too good either after playin the Chi Sox and the Tigers, best teams in baseball right now. did you see what the Tigers did to Prior! Lord! Maybe I don't like inter-leauge play after all, talk about a buzz-saw!

At 7:23 AM, June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, I new it was goona be bad, but 11 runs in one inning. Help!
PS Anybody want to pick up a tall lefty, cheap, by July 31?

At 8:18 AM, June 21, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Same Lefty used to Handle the WSox easily when he was in the AL!

At 1:13 PM, June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually stay out of the deadbird / scrubbies argument, but today I just can't keep myself from giving an evil grin towards my deadbird fan friends. It's really funny how many of them are gettting upset at me without the utterance of one sigle word!


At 1:14 PM, June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony and Lootie,

Did I mention they serve Ice Cold OLD STYLE on the southside too??


At 8:35 AM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Senor Badass said...

Oh, boo-fucking hoo. Are you kidding me?

Maybe your friend just didn't know.

Maybe you should find someone else who can feed your more reliable inside information about McCoy's campaign.

I mean, in the grand scheme of things, do you really think McCoy's camp gave one tiny shit whether or not you knew this TG character was coming on board? They cared so much to the point that they lied to one of their own to get him to make you believe some incredibly minor irrelevant tidbit?

Quincy does need some new freakin' roads that lead out of it... get you riverfolk some goddamned perspective.

At 3:07 PM, June 24, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Nearly took off your Tehama as it flew over your haid.

THESE PEOPLE DONT THINK ANYTHING ABOUT THEM IS UNIMPORTANT. They purposely burned a guy with a good reputation for integrity just to pass on some disinformation to the Fischer camp without regard to the fact that I'll never believe another word that comes out of this guy's mouth and that'll hurt him.

How many eggs will they have to break to make the whole omelette?

Maybe the disinformation was given to the guy the hopes that he'd give it to somebody important instead of me. Hell, maybe he did.

The point is not that I'm a minor player (which I'm happy to be). The point is this guy lost a 20 year reputation for integrity with me for one p!ss ant detail that, as you correctly point out, was of no moment at all.

I don't think there's ten voters out there who care if Elliott Ness is gonna be the next chief Deputy in a hypothetical Retired Guy administration.

Thank you for stopping by. I really don't mind translating for you.

At 9:52 AM, June 28, 2006, Blogger Senor Badass said...

"without regard to the fact that I'll never believe another word that comes out of this guy's mouth and that'll hurt him"

Who thinks everything they do is important?

At 10:46 AM, June 28, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Mo-Fo 1152,

I guess this is Cliff's Notes day. The guy self-identifies as my friend. Does anybody want his friends not trusting him?

This is about his belief system, not mine.

Thanks for coming by, though.

At 12:48 PM, June 28, 2006, Blogger Senor Badass said...

Maybe you shouldn't make friends with people that lie to you.

At 2:59 PM, June 28, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Every friendship one forms carries with it the possibility of deceit at a later time. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!"

28 years and never a misinformation or deception. You suggest I have a longer probation period for friends. New Rule, "Tryout Camp to be my friend is now 30 years. Until then, you're on double secret probation."

Cliff's Notes on DVD day.

At 6:33 PM, June 28, 2006, Blogger Senor Badass said...

Actually, your friend didn't lie to you if you believe he passed on information that he didn't know was wrong.

At 6:13 AM, June 29, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Ah, now you're getting the concept. He probably didn't lie, yet I now have to filter everything he tells me.

I think the whole class is caught up now and we can move on to the next lesson.


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