Sunday, April 16, 2006


In another site on another day I said some uncomplimentary things about Rob's announcement. He wrote me back like a gentleman and I appreciated that. While I don't think my original remarks were either wrong or unfair. His straightforward manner has caused me to take another look. We talked yesterday and I'm sure of three things. First, his values are a hell of a lot more like mine than Andrea Zinga's are. Second, he is an impressive and industrious young man with great energy, good intellect and speaking skills--meaning he'd beat hell out of Zinga who is only against stuff, never for anything. Third, that I am not Mrs. Mellon's favorite democrat blogger.

Anyhow, Rob, your website's now linked here. No matter how this one comes out, please stay active in democrat politics. We need educated young veterans like you to help spread the message that Government is one important tool for solving problems--not the only one, but an important one.


At 5:40 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

All of these barnyard references being tied back to Verne give me sweaty palms. Yes, he does say intemperate things but as far as I know, he's not raising any livestock.

There's one thing I can say without fear of contradiction: "I control zero votes."

Thank you for coming by but do leave the goat at home.


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