Tuesday, March 07, 2006


A screwup is a screwup, no matter how otherwise "nice" the person who made it.

Eric Carper, a very nice guy from a very nice family, in his own brochure, has placed into issue the question of prisoners "working" in the Clerk's office. He's an engineering guy. He's supposed to know that one examines a problem from all angles before attempting to proclaim a solution. He obvously didn't.

First, who's in charge of the physical plant at the courthouse? By law, it's the Sheriff. The Sheriff can send in anybody he wants to transport refuse or carry discarded documents to be destroyed. So, when Eric attacks prisoner use, he attacks the titular head of our party, our Sheriff, who happens to be on the ballot this fall. One really would have thought Eric's many advisers might have mentioned that to him before he mailed out a brochure comtaining such a claim.

Second, they keep records about where supervised prisoners work. Those records are accessible to the public. I'm sure Eric's crack committee checked that all out before the brochure went out to many households. A fair conclusion to the Question "How much did prisoners 'work' in the Clerk's office." could be stated "Not nearly often enough!".

All of which kind of gets us to the third point which is the concept of SWAP anyhow. Why should the highly skilled employee's of the Clerk's office waste their time carrying discarded material to be shredded or doing other menial tasks when there are people who will do it at no cost to the taxpayers, thus allowing the highly trained deputy clerks to continue plying their skills in their specialties?

Fourth, there is no recorded instance of a prisoner handling any services for the public in any part of the courthouse. That is left to the union members, who do it admirably. The courthouse crawls with peace officers and other court officers. Does anybody seriously think for one minute such a thing could go on unabated and unnoticed?

Fifth, Eric says he will bar prisoners from the Clerk's office. I guess this means the women who work there had better take a work-hardening course to lift the discarded documents designated to go to destruction. Maybe we can get some back belts for them. Of course, the clerk can't bar work -release prisoners who have legitimate business in the clerk's office. That would be an interesting conversation "You can't change your voter registration address, you're a prisoner!" "You can't get a marriage license, you're a prisoner!"

Sixth, this lame issue is a symptom of his whole campaign concept "Vote for me because the incumbent's not nice!" or the more refined "Vote for me because I'm not Georgia Volm!" That stuff usually only resonates with a small number of people but, for the sake of argument, let's say it succeeds in March. What does he have left to offer the General Electorate? "I've been on the ballot since December and I haven't ever once told you my credentials or why I'm a good choice, but by God, I'm not Georgia Volm!" The electorate would properly say "So what?"

I will concede one thing. This is not the lamest argument he could have made. Of course, he's making that one too. I'm saving it for later.

I ,for one, would be interested in his background, experience and education. The Clerk is the Election Official, Comptroller, Recorder, Archivist, Parliamentary Secretary and Retirement representative for County Government. What does Eric have in his background that would show he can do all those jobs well?

If Eric Carper wins our primary, I want him to be electable. I'll want to help him. That'll be a tough trick if he doesn't start telling us pretty soon why he should be Clerk instead of why somebody else shouldn't.


At 6:17 AM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great argument except you forgot one thing. What did Georgia Volm run on the last time? She ran on the fact that she was not a basketball coach that had recruited players from every small town in the area. She was not Loren Wallace. She was not more qualified than the other democrat considered. She never won her first race, Wallace lost it.

After three years in office her qualifications and action are not what is keeping her close in this race, its her husband. She can't run on the fact that Brad is a nice guy forever!

At 6:56 AM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great points made ! I usually lean to the right locally, was gonna blast away with "right hand not knowing what the left hand doing, etc..." Hope to be treated well as a guest when I vote for Georgia in you all's primary & hopefully in Nov.

At 7:14 AM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think Ehmen will appoint a candidate to their ticket regardless of the outcome of this primary

At 7:16 AM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these swap program people were doing a little more than carrying out the trash. You might want to take a look at the grievances that were filed. Georgia is lying to you. They were actually copying documents.

At 11:11 AM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 0817,

I guess you missed the part about her being a college graduate in Business Administration and a College Teacher in business and record maintenance subjects.

It's interesting that this topic relates to Carper's campaign and you manage to arrive back at what you perceive to be Georgia Volm's shortcomings. You are making my point. Thank You.

At 11:19 AM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 0914--

Carper would catch an opponent. Volm would not. It has to do with mass electability, not favoritism toward either one of them.

At 11:21 AM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 0916

I have no problem with Anon posting but this is one time where being anon hurts your argument. Who vouches for you? How do Iknow your opportunity to observe was any better than mine.

Show me a grievance and a successful outcome re prisoner labor and I'll post it here, once I authenticate it.

At 11:23 AM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Umrblog: After reading your 5 paragragh defense of Georgia using prisoners, or whatever their designation is, I still don't want them in my County Clerks office. If you want them in your law office to do filing or whatever else you think appropriate that's your business. I hope you have lots of money in the bank though.
Once word gets out you think it's OK for prisoners to be in your office you may not have many clients left.

At 12:24 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Evelyn Wood Dropout 1323,

You really should have finished that speedreading course. First, what I wrote was a critique of Carper's campaign approach--attacking the Sheriff and the Clerk without stating his credentials to hold the office--about a fifth grade level reader would have gleaned that.

Run down my original post as quickly as you can move your lips and I think you'll find I did not address prisoners doing clerical tasks or working in any private industry, including my office.

Actually, your submission gives me confidence that my practice will continue to thrive. You see americans are losing acuity at the simple act of reading and many legal problems begin by the client being either unable to read, too lazy to read or seeing what they want to see when they read the printed word.

Are you all of the above or just the third?

If you want to argue a proposition I put forth, I'll join issue with you. If you want to just make stuff up, go to some easy, uncritical hate board where the cool kids think you're clever.

At 1:08 PM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You been borrowing Georgia's rocket fuel again. It she wins the primary she will be so damaged that she would be easy picking for the repubs. 50% of all Carper votes will not return to Volm, while 90% of Volm votes will return to Carper. I really wish I was capable of living your illusion.

At 1:10 PM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You will get to see those grievances first hand on March 15th.

At 1:25 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 308

I guess that's more of that early counting. Let me help you with the math. About 3000 people might vote in the dem primary. Assume for discussion Carper gets 60%, that's 1800. Half of that is 900.

In the general election about 22000 people will vote. 900 doesn't make a pimple on 22000's butt.

Predict all the outcomes you want but try at least to use relevant numbers.

At 1:26 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 1510


Don't forget those resoundingly successful outcomes.

At 3:15 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

.....and, yes, I realize 60% would be a win. I blew the number up to make my arithmetic point.

And yes, I did count my new best friend Dave in the 3000 vote total.

At 2:40 PM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never allow a work release prisioner to empty the garbage in my office, let alone copy documents, and I don't think Tony would either. I understand these persons also copied documents such as death certificates and other vital statistic records with the consent of Volm. I don't know if Brent Fischer had anything to do with this and I don't care. Volm is the one that has to approve anything that takes place in her office. The Sheriff cannot tell her what to do. Tony, Brent is not the scape goat here. No one is taking any shots at him. Your spin on this matter to deflect the criticism toward Brent is not justified.

You question Eric Carper's ability to handle the duties of County Clerk/Recorder. In my view, that is not the issue. Eric can handle the job. He wouldn't have the support he has if he couldn't. The real issue is to me is what type of a person do we want to hold public office. Everyone knows of the rumors concerning Volm, and it is no secret she has some real personality issues in managing people. I have asked her and other rumored persons directly to give me the true situation about the rumors but I get no response. Eric would never have run against Volm if he didn't think he could win, and if there weren't real concerns on his part that a change in the management of that office was necessary, in order to bring respectability to the office. I am sure, if the Volm camp could find out anything negative about Eric, they would have their say. The Volm supporters can find nothing so they cowardly raise issues such as he has an attitude against women. Perhaps Volm will have an opportunity to respond to the many negatives about her at the up coming forum, rather than pick at Carper's lack of experience.

At 2:53 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 1640

You can't address an issue by ducking it. Eric's a nice guy. What is his background and experience in supervision clericals? What's his education in business automation and business administration and accounting and parliamentary procedure?

Rumors! I think I know who you are and you are better than to even use that word. Get hold of yourself! Either make an accusation and give your evidence or save the "rumor" mumble.

Uh, check your facts. Prisoners are supervised by the SWAP officer and they can't do union work. The SWAP officer, by statute, acts on behalf of the Sheriff. Can't make this accusation without getting some on the Sheriff and that's damned irresponsible.

Eric's inside political support is utterly unrelated to his qualifications and we all know it because he's kept his qualifications a secret, preferring to, by his brochure and through surrogates, blast Georgia.

I'm not saying Georgia's always a day at the beach. I'm saying "Vote for me because the other candidate's a jerk!" demeans Eric and bodes ill for his ultimate election.

Again, read carefully, your response makes my point.

At 3:28 PM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am starting to believe that you don't even know what your own point is, or what party you are a member of. Keep living this illusion, you have just lost all credibility in the democratic party.

At 5:55 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 1728,

Let me give you the Cliff's Notes version. The long form was apparently more than you could digest.

First, a campaign based upon "vote for me because the other person is a jerk!" is poorly conceived and dooms a November election.

Second, at some point the candidate has to present some reason why he has the background, education, skills and experience to actually do the job he seeks.

There's also a second semester course to this but I'll keep it simple because you're already the proud owner of a mid-term slip on this one.

At 7:16 AM, March 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, I think Brent is ultimately responsible for where his inmates are at all times, you are giving his opponent a lot of ammo for November.

Also, nice to see the rumors spelled out by the letter from the 3 "former" employees. Sorry the office isn't such a cupcake atomsphere as it was with George. Welcome to the real world. Hope the 3 gals are doing okay in the private sector, if they are bold enough to go there! Thought the mud-slinging was very juvenile, obviously this issue isn't about performance, is really a personality issue, nothing more.

PS Melissa, do you want some wine with your cheese? How bout a whaa burger and some french cries!

At 10:00 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Anon 1440,

UMRBlog didn't start the attacks on the Sheriff. Eric Carper did and on the brochure which is suppposed to recite his credentials for office. I suppose the next trick is McCoy gets a sworn statement from Carper about it. How's that working out for Oberweiss and Spike on the other side?

Go a little easy on the personal attacks, please. I haven't whacked a post yet and I don't want to. You fail to spell out the real problem with "THE LETTER." It wasn't a heartfelt outcry from three former employees. That might have been powerful. Once you put "Paid for by Eric Carper" on there, it's just more "Vote for me because my Opponent's a jerk!". Uh, Eric, Shakespeare calls that "damning with faint praise."

I don't question the sincerity of the writers' subjective accounts. I question the effectiveness of a bulk mail catfight paid for by Eric Carper. Disappointingly shallow.

BTW, about the only thing I disfavor more than the personal attacks in the letter is a personal attack on MB, who happens to be one of my favorite people in the entire world. She sees this one through different eyes than I do. We just smile and say 'hi', knowing we're agreeing to disagree for this one. You happen to agree with me, which I appreciate, but it's no reason to pile on her. As far as I know she didn't bring that in here.

At 10:04 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...

anon 0856,

Y'all come. My principled objection is against democrats voting in the GOP primary. I've never had any problem with independents and GOP voting in the dem. primary.

At 11:06 AM, March 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony, please tell the person who sent the mailer to my house the difference between convicted and dismissed. Thanks. Darren.

At 2:56 PM, March 11, 2006, Blogger UMRBlog said...


You're gonna have to give me a full briefing on this topic because You're talking about something I know nothing about. Whatever it is sounds unpleasant and I don't have to tell you I would never cause your family any unpleasantness.


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