Wednesday, June 16, 2010


He was in a hurry to get to a Board of Directors' gala.  The entertainment was a Dwarf Throw.


At 2:49 PM, June 17, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the media at some time be on the receiving end of the sensationalism and inflamatory reporting they are doing. Particularly The Today Show. Good Grief. That used to be a news program.

At 7:35 PM, June 19, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is outrageous the BP CEO would take a day off after two months of 16 hour days and threats from the White House.

Of course Obama, in the mean time, managed to get in 8 rounds of golf and a few concerts and several fund raising events, while he was fumbling clean up operations and closing down the gulf economy.

But Obama did find time to send those idle rigs to Brazil, which happens to help his pal Soros and his Petrobras investments.


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