Monday, November 03, 2008


This new round of Aaron-to-the-rescue ads contains some interesting deceptions.

First "Aaron gets veteran his well deserved benefits." Get Serious! Veteran's bennies come from the FEDERAL Government and Aaron was a STATE Representative. Gosh, maybe he doesn't know the difference!

Second, "Aaron Completes Adoption". Uh, hello! Adoption is accomplished in the JUDICIAL Branch of Government. Aaron is in the LEGISLATIVE branch. Gosh, maybe he doesn't know the difference!

Non political ad observations: If you run a mobile phone store and you want to cut your own TV ad, in your own voice, learn how to pronounce "Cellular".

Not a triumphal weekend for broadcast advertising. Spuds McKenzie doesn't live here anymore.


At 2:07 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Aaron is also an excellent at "hide and seek" and "go fish."

At 3:08 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

What? No "Duck, Duck, Goose"

At 5:23 PM, November 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too little, too late on your part Tony. But basically the type of effort I would expect you to put forth.

At 6:00 PM, November 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two can play "hide and seek Mr. Congressman" and "go fish, Mr. Congressman" and "Duck, Duck, Mr. Congressman" with Shock in the near future.

At 6:56 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

and your girl your running is a real winner .........

*rolls eyes

At 7:00 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

Need I get into Phil I didn't get elected Hare ? Or how about Mayor "why I am at this Presser in the Park with Calahan .......oh Durbin told me "

Now come on Tony . Your far smarter than this. Aaron has "kin folks" here . He will be great in Congress , yet the Local machine has to poke fun at little things.

Why don't we depo Mr Alford and ask about QPD's notorizing standards that came out in trial ?

Why don't we talk about how gutless the admin is to have to FOIA everything ?

Talk about a giant glass house .

At 7:17 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


I was commenting on a TV commercial. What did I say about it that was factually incorrect or even unfair?

At 7:20 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


Just commenting on the ad. It was effective but deceptive. Everything I said about it was accurate. Nothing I said about it had anything to do with city gov't.

Also, I really never bashed Schock here this whole election cycle. That was O's deal.

At 7:37 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

Oh calling him Jr is damn funny ... and Shock thinks it was also .

Hell I for one am just glad to have a bright young R making strides not from Dupage Cty .....

At 7:42 PM, November 03, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

Also if the Dr does well and Obama wins ....... Will the 2nd Senate seat be a real run for the money ?

Rich Miller brought that up today .

Some gutless anon called anyone NOT voting for Obama bigots and racists today ......

Is this the POTUS election or North Korea ?

At 10:15 AM, November 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer "having examined the issues, reached a conclusion satisfying to their own beliefs and conscience, as is their right, without being called bigot, racist or deluded by those who never heard that when you point a finger, three are pointing back at yourself".

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

In the end I did cast my presidential vote for....

Well that's not really any of your business, is it?

At 10:20 AM, November 04, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

That's why we didn't ask you, but


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