Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Pardon the trite topic but it does seem fair to say this the first presidential election where public participation on the internet is a significant part of the way folks are forming their opinions.

While I'm a blogger and active in politics, I'm the worst barometer of this because the choices on both sides of this election are so singularly unappealing to me.

So tell me, is the internet leading to a more enlightened approach to the election? If so, how? If not, how is it failing?

My sort of unpolished view is that the internet news organs and the blogosphere add a lot of heat but not much light on the subject.


At 12:30 PM, July 23, 2008, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Not many will vote for someone because of somthing they read on the internet. But they will vote against someone because of it whether or not it's true.

At 4:48 PM, July 23, 2008, Blogger Tspud1 said...

Birds of a feather, preaching to the choir, both come to mind about people's internet use on politics.

At 7:30 PM, July 23, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the new name?

Figured, what the hell! If I'm going to be accused of creating, controlling all activity, participating, being everywhere, and stating everything that happens within the Quincy blogosphere I might as well take on an appropriate nickname!

Now back to your original question.

I think what we are seeing is an ending to the old political adage that he who buys ink by the barrel controls the information. The internet is becoming a strong asset to both candidates and political parties to get the information (good or bad) out that they want to delivery to voters.

We are probably not very far away from, "He who controls the keyboard controls the information"

UMR, Your generation had to learn to use one of these machines after formal schooling.

My generation grew up with video games (atari) then into computers in high school and the internet really started to take off as we were graduating college.

The next generation will be hardwired to these machines from gradeschool on.

When they go to look for information they will sit down at thier laptops instead of searching through encyclopedia's in the library. This will naturally have them going to the internet for political information.

What y ou are seeing with the past few elections is just e4h tip of the iceberge.


the underground

p.s. be back to check in again next month!

At 3:02 PM, July 24, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...


I have to take what you say seriously because you are resonsible for everything that happens here in Quincy. All these years and I never knew how much Clout you had!

Truly your thoughts are probably right on. Our computers will be on our wrists and then maybe inside our optic nervers and all the data will bypass devices and visible operating systems. We won't know when cyberness stops and humanity begins.

Come back soon or at least monthly!


At 6:27 PM, July 24, 2008, Blogger TOOKIE said...

I am interested in the WAR of conventional media vs non conventional media .

But us political bloggers are in the powder puff league vs the Sports bloggers .

This will be the Youtube election


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