Monday, June 30, 2008


I listened to every word WClark said on Sunday.

Nobody's patriotism was questioned.

Somebody tell me what Clark said that was factually wrong.


At 5:09 PM, July 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clowns on the left toss out the straw man that he learned nothing about foreign policy there. Well I disagree, he learned at least one thing. Our enemies our evil, ruthless bastards and they do not play by the same rules. Barack Obama believes America is evil and ruthless and needs the cleansing only he can lightwork.

Let's compare the two:

John McCain was so loyal to the men he was imprisoned with he endured torture on their behalf.

Barack Obama associates with those who can help his career, and throws them right under the bus when they become inconvenient to his aspirations.

That single issue of character
matters more than all the others combined. You can trust John McCain. You can trust Barack Obama to use you as a stepping stone. The banty Clark fails to understand this in any way as he is a man of much more ambition than character himself. Let us not forgot this man's judgment was bad enough he ordered a British General to attack Russian troops who were on their first mission as our purported allies. Clark's unwarranted ego almost caused WWIII. Yet his voice sounds right off key with the rest of Obama''s clueless chorus.

Obama is a feather blowing in the political breeze. McCain is a rock. Vote Maverick.

At 7:09 PM, July 01, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

That's a very nice political speech.

Now, what did Clark say that was factually incorrect?

Maybe you're right about Obama, if he doesn't have the stones to stand behind Clark when Clark spoke the God's truth.

Maybe Obama could "No more disown Wesley Clark than his own Grandmother..." Oh, Silly me. That was a different ally.


At 9:15 AM, July 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facts have little to do with what he said. It was just an opinion, and it was and anon 5:09's comment was an EXCELLENT political speech. Clark's not so much.

At 2:04 PM, July 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, you expect the "Oreo Orator" to stand behind someone after he has thrown his grandmother under the bus..........along with his pastor. What a refreshing change in the world of politics.......

At 3:33 PM, July 02, 2008, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Mostly, white people don't use the term "oreo". It's essentially a black-on-black slam. But, suit yourself.


At 7:03 PM, July 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a pattern out there. Jim Webb, Jay Rockefeller, Rand Beers, Wesley Clark, Tom Harkin, and a host of others are trying to discredit John McCain's most natural strength, at least a strength that polls very well.

All are making the case that because McCain was a prisoner of war and missed out on the action in Vietnam he really has no military experience to make himself competent in that arena.

Clark is a campaign surrogate for Obama. Rand Beers is an advisor. The others support Obama and are in various ways connected to the campaign.

I am not going to express outrage at the Obama campaign. This can be no surprise to any of us. The man is a compulsive befriender of dirtbags. His campaign excels at having dirtbag surrogates.

Likewise, Obama has no core principles. That the man had to give a speech defending his patriotism is generally proof that most most people recognize he has no patriotism except as a matter of convenience. His whole goal is to get elected President. He will say, do, and lie about anything to get there. It is his ambition. Just as his need to take issue against his country helped him with the far left voters who first sent him into office in Illinois, now he needs to embrace his country in toto to get to the next office.

We cannot be surprised at this.

But we can point something out.

When Obama said the Democrats would no longer take lobbyist money, the DCCC ignored him. The DNC itself is using lobbyist money to pay for its convention in total defiance of Barack Obama's orders.

Therefore, in this case, we are left with only two conclusions. Either this effort to diminish John McCain's service in the military is an intentional, willful strategy of the Obama campaign using surrogates while purportedly giving Obama plausible deniability, or Obama cannot tell them to stop because he is too weak and ineffectual for anyone in his party to take him seriously enough to listen to him.

The first is a disgusting trait of his character that should give one pause if they wish to vote for him. It is also, given what we already know about Obama, the most likely conclusion.

The second is a sign that in office, Obama would be a figurehead unable to stop or influence the leftists he would no doubt bring into office with him. The claims of moderate policy he wants would be ignored in favor of the radical advancement of liberalism his core supporters demand.

Either case makes Obama a bad choice for President.

At 12:11 PM, July 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's change a few words.
"I don't think riding in a PT boat and getting sunk is a qualification to be president."

At 12:13 PM, July 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't think riding in a PT boat and getting sunk is a qualification to be president."


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