Your friendly basin will be on vacation for an indeterminate number of days from four to forever. Comments are on, but moderated moderately.
As always, TYFCB
The Upper Mississippi River Basin:Life, Worship, Sports, Transportation, Golf, Politics and other bizarre behaviors in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The Quincy area has a history of tolerance. We seem to suffer fools gladly.
I hope you are well rested from your vacation. When you return, I hope you can post about a story in the Quincy paper on Sunday April 13. It was the story of two attorneys who held information within the rule of attorney - client privilege that could have freed an innocent man many years ago. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this story. Could they have done something more? Or were they giving away just enough information to other involved attorneys who simply could not pull the evidence together? Have rules since changed to keep this from happening?
Speaking of innocent men, Fire has a countdown "timer to justice" running for a certain someone's OV case, check it out, it's great!
I am not on vacation. The Blog is on vacation.
The case of which you speak is very familiar to me, as are almost all the players. I would be interested in writing about it. There is an ethical concern in doing so and I have not given it the mature thought it requires.
Thanks for the encouragement.
I was reading where they silenced a critic of sorts by having them involuntarily committed.
You ever read that story?
You've got me stumped. I don't know who "they" is or what story I have or haven't read. Is this relating back to the "innocent man" thing?
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