Monday, November 27, 2006


The ever-polite, ever-diligent Charlie Griffith passed away over the weekend. Basically, Charlie invented local TV public affairs interviewing. He was a serious minded guy and his demeanor might have been a little bit dry but it was underlain by a lightning wit and an "on target" sense of humor. In the mid-70's there was a continuing brouhaha about whether topless bars should rec'v liquor licenses. I was on a panel Charlie brought in for a TV discussion, prosecutor, defense lawyer, preacher. The decorum while we were on the air was impeccable but Charlie's humor during the breaks had us gulping to catch our breath and gently brushing laughter tears from our eyes (yes, including the preacher) as we came back on the air.

He could also get somebody self-important ratcheted down to a more manageable level fairly quickly. He once had a guest on who had recently been elected to public office. Charlie asked a simple "yes" or "no" question. The guest authored a long, pretentious explanation of something pretty basic which actually confused the issue. At the end of the tortured answer, the guest said "does that explain it?" Deadpan, Charlie said of the convoluted anwer, "I'm glad you cleared that up for us!" Don't know whether the guy knew he been needled but he certainly behaved better after that.

Quincy was a better place for Charlie's service. If I can use your words, My Friend, at the end of each interview "Thank you for joining us today."

UMRBlog's condolences to his precious family.



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