Wednesday, March 14, 2007


We hear candidates for president promising "open and honest" government, like the words are fused together.

I contend it is possible to have a president conduct an honest administration.

It is, however, no longer possible to have open government at the leader-of-the-free-world level. POTUS' security people keep him away from interactive situations. POTUS' advisors do their best to keep him away from contrary messages (this is not necessarily sinister, just how it is.) The prez, despite his or her best intentions, is gonna be in "the bubble" and shielded from RW experiences. Nixon liked it. Clinton fought it, but basically lost. It is necessary for shrubbie's governance. He could not stand interactive exposure, given his level of stubbornness and the influences he must satisfy.

I'll give you honest as a possiblity. Open has been off the table since Kennedy was shot, maybe before.



At 12:50 PM, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Does your CRACKBERRY work ? Darn thing didn't go to voicemail yesterday !

At 4:09 PM, March 14, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...

My system didn't like two incoming calls yesterday. The carrier on that particular gizzie really doesn't like the signal in Springpatch, which is where I was.


At 6:20 PM, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see the books come out covering "Springdale daycar goes NUTS"

Holla !

Because that is a must read no matter what HARPO says !

At 6:26 PM, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

half way into the post is the NUTT "family friend" email to Mitch-ie-poo

*note do not drink anything while reading

At 7:35 PM, March 14, 2007, Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Best wishes to District One Democrat. Guys like him are why the American Military is the best in the world.

At 7:54 PM, March 14, 2007, Blogger UMRBlog said...

Talk about bringing democracy to the Middle East. Somewhere there'll be a Richard J. Peters Camelpath, before he's done there!



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